Page 25 - MMI-SeptOct2021 SM upload
P. 25


                         FOCUSED ON GROWTH

                         Manish Bhatnagar, Managing Director, SKF India Ltd, in this insightful interview
                         with MMI’s Editor-in-Chief Soumi Mitra, talks on SKF India’s unwavering growth

                         strategy, the impact of the growing market of electric and connected vehicles

                         on  the company’s  auto business,  its  online  store  that offers  automotive  and
                         industrial business products for retail and industrial buyers, and much more…

                                                                                                                Source: SKF India Ltd

                         The pandemic and its subsequent   sheet, deep customer relation-  growth opportunities ahead.
                         lockdowns created unprecedent-  ships, a strong brand, and strate-  In line with our strategy, we
                         ed havoc in the manufacturing   gically positioned business, the   will continue to focus on exe-
                         industry, impacting workforce   country had been severely im-  cuting our strategies, sustaining
                         capacity,  disrupting  supply  pacted with the second wave of   operational  efficiencies,  main-
                         chains, and creating liquidity   the pandemic. With the Govern-  taining  customer  centricity,
          SOUMI MITRA    crunches.  Now  that  things  are   ment focusing on mass vaccina-  and ensuring cost discipline
          Editor-in-Chief   slowly getting back on track how   tion drives and supporting small   leading to a strong financial per-
          Modern Manufacturing
          India          do you look at the manufactur-  businesses, we expect spending   formance and increased share-
          soumi.mitra@   ing sector in the next quarter of   and activity levels to gain momen-  holder value.

                         the financial year? What are the   tum through the rest of the year as   Looking ahead, we see digita-
                         strategies resorted by SKF India   the macro environment improves.  lization as an enabler to imple-
                         to get its pre-COVID-19 growth   At SKF, the effects of the sec-  ment and deliver proactive solu-
                         in the near future?           ond wave of COVID-19 have     tions and position SKF strongly
                         Manish Bhatnagar: While we en-  not changed our strategy and   for the long-term growth. By de-
                         tered 2021 with a robust balance   we remain confident on the   signing unique solutions under

                                                                                        September-October 2021 |  25

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