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try various types of conditions   FEA  makes predictions,  based   As a result, with FEA, product
          without affecting the actual   on  many   physical  effects   makers can improve product
          system or the process that  is   such as Electrostatics, Electrody-  reliability, reduce the steps of
          occurring – something of crit-  namics, Fatigue, Fluid flow, Heat   physical testing and simulate
          ical importance in time-con-  transfer, Mechanical  stress,  Me-  ‘what-if’ scenarios.
          strained situations or when an   chanical  vibration,  Motion,  and
          actual production line cannot   Plastic injection molding. FEA is   Design for Reliability
          be modified.                  commonly used before parts are   The third type of simulation,
          It can also be used in the plan-  fabricated but can benefit exist-  Design for Reliability (DfR), is a
          ning process long before a real   ing  products  for design  valida-  process used to ensure products
          system is installed. Extensive   tion purposes.             and systems perform a function
          analysis tools, statistics, and   The mathematical principles of   within a given environment
          charts let users evaluate differ-  FEA are also useful in other ar-  over the desired lifetime. It en-
          ent manufacturing scenarios   eas, such as computational fluid   compasses the use of an entire
          and  make fast, reliable deci-  dynamics (CFD).             set of reliability engineering
          sions in the early stages of pro-  FEA focuses on mechanical   tools, along with the expertise
          duction planning.             structural assessment to find   to know when and how to use   Through
          DES  ensures  a  product  is  fit   out  the  strength/deflection    these tools.          DfR, which
          for  manufacturing  and  end-  of a design, while CFD focus-  Typically, engineers implement   is often
          use. It does this by simulating   es on a fluid flow assessment    the DfR methodology in the   part of a
          factory environments such as   to determine how a design    beginning as an early concept,   Design for
          production lines, automation   interacts with air, water, and   but it can also be applied all the   Excellence
          solutions, logistic operations, or   other elements.        way  through  to  product  obso-  program,
          other manufacturing processes.   Together, FEA and CFD al-  lescence. Either way, the goal   engineers
          Some of the parameters include   gorithms built into modern   is to ensure customer expec-  identify
          yield, volumes, headcount, lay-  software  tools  give  engineers   tations for reliability are met   high-risk
          outs, and more. This allows in-  access to what are essentially   with low overall lifecycle costs.  areas and
          dustrial engineers or process   mathematical superpowers.   Through DfR, which is often    select tests
          engineers to improve produc-  To run an FEA simulation,     part of a Design for Excellence   for validat-
          tivity, increase volumes, opti-  mathematics  is  used  to  gen-  program, engineers identify   ing results.
          mize layouts, reduce lead time,   erate a mesh. This typically   high-risk areas and select tests   The next
          and reduce work in progress.  contains millions of small ele-  for validating results. The next   step is to
                                        ments that make up a product’s    step  is  to  reduce  or  eliminate,   reduce or
          Finite Element Analysis       overall shape. It is a highly so-  potential failure modes prior to   eliminate,
          The second type of simulation,   phisticated way of translating    production release.     potential
          Finite Element Analysis (FEA),   a  3D  object  into  a  series  of   DfR helps product makers meet   failure
          is a computational analysis   mathematical  points  that  can   reliability targets, mitigate risk   modes
          used  to predict how a product   then be analyzed.          from defects, optimize product   prior to
          or component will react in a   Once the mesh is created, FEA   design, reduce costs, and satisfy   production
          real-world environment. For   analyzes each finite element,   end customers.               release.
          example, FEA can predict if a   adding up all of the individual   At the core of DfR is the physics
          product will break, wear out   behaviors to predict the behav-  of failure, which includes testing
          too  soon  or  work  as  designed.   ior of the actual object. Because   to identify issues  and  statistical
          Engineers  rely  on  FEA  simula-  the calculations are done on a   analysis  to  determine  reliability
          tion to reduce the number of   mesh, rather than the entirety   prediction. This data can then be
          physical prototypes, as well as   of a physical object, it means   used to recalibrate as needed pri-
          run virtual experiments to op-  that some approximations need   or to physical prototyping.
          timize their designs.         to  occur  between  the  points   Mean Time Between Fail-
          The goal of FEA is to ensure a   using different modes of ac-  ures (MTBF) is  an import-
          product can handle various    curacy. For instance, there is a   ant DfR tool, which predicts
          types of stress. This data is then   square  approximation,  a  poly-  elapsed time between inherent
          used to optimize the design of   nomial  approximation,  and  a   failures of a mechanical or
          a  part  to  improve  an  overall   discrete approximation. Each   electronic system during nor-
          design, avoid possible failures,   of these techniques increases   mal  system  operation.  MTBF
          and validate the existing geom-  in complexity while increasing   is calculated as the arithmetic
          etry for its application.     the accuracy of results.      mean (average) time between

                                                                                       September-October 2021 |  23

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