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Source: Blaser Swisslube
L-R: Punit Gupta, Managing Director, Blaser Swisslube Solutions Pvt Ltd and Gaurav Mittal, Sales Director, North and East India, analyzing customer parameters.
to increase up to 20-40 percent talize on the potential of their proach rather than a supplier
development in tool life and/or 8-15 percent in machines and tools, and turn approach,” notes Gupta.
of busi- productivity as per various proj- their metalworking fluid into
ness with ect records. We always analyze a key success factor – a Liquid Riding over challenges
long-term the process in the beginning and Tool. We are continuously in- The pandemic has brought new
customers, then make a proposal to the cus- vesting in strengthening the learning and accelerated the
partners, tomer of what he can improve in team, our know-how, and ca- changes in our surroundings
and em- the long run,” he adds. pabilities in India and globally. and behaviors. People have
ployees The recent investment in CCC started prioritizing their needs
has been a – Country Competence Center for investments in higher pro-
key aspect Helping customers win – in India is an example of our ductivity, systems, and better
Throwing light on the compa-
of Blaser ny’s name change from Bla- future-oriented journey. Our care for humans and the en-
Solutions' ser Swisslube India to Blaser team, together with our part- vironment. “Our Liquid Tool
growth. Swisslube Solutions, Gupta says ners, are excited about the jour- Solution approach fits in well
that it was done with the sole ney ahead and we are looking here and we are confident that
intention to improve produc- forward to more collaborative we can steer the next phase
tivity, economic efficiency, and work with our customers, that of growth with customers to-
process stability for its custom- can help them win.” gether. During the lockdown
ers. “The Liquid Tool Solution Blaser Swisslube Solutions has phases, we were able to serve
is our value proposition to our been growing admirably for and support our customers
customers. All of us at Blaser the last 20 years. Sustainable with the necessary informa-
India have a strong belief and development of business with tion on coolant handling and
we are convinced that it is the long-term customers, partners, care during longer production
right way to move ahead to- and employees has been a key stops,” shares Gupta.
gether with our customers. Be- aspect of its growth. “The Indi- The team has been constantly
lief becomes stronger when we an market has been evolving in touch digitally with all its
see more customers benefiting from a traditional buying pro- customers, taking care of their
from it, and although we have cess to just price per unit to a requirements. This has resulted
added only a word, it makes a more progressive approach of in further strengthening of mu-
big difference to us,” he shares. the total cost of ownership. This tual trust and the company’s
He adds, “With our holistic is an opportunity and challenge relationship with its customers.
approach and know-how, we at the same time. However, we “We are able to play a vital role
can therefore offer solutions are happy that customers are as a reliable partner during this
that help customers fully capi- following a partnership ap- difficult time,” he sums up.
30 | September-October 2021 Modern Manufacturing India