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failures of a system. This anal-  Simulation provides value   fluid delivery system, before
                         ysis is used for repairable sys-  across industries         engineers create a single phys-
                         tems. Mean Time to Failure    Regardless of the industry, sim-  ical prototype.
                         (MTTF) is the expected time to   ulation offers many benefits, in-
                         failure for non-repairable prod-  cluding higher reliability, faster   Industrial and
                         ucts or systems.              time-to-market, and greater pro-  communications
                         Using MTBF calculations, an   duction line flexibility.     DfR simulation is highly valu-
                         engineer can improve a de-                                  able  in the  early design phase
                         sign by understanding points   Automotive                   of industrial products. This is
                         of failure. For example, an    What once was a simple en-   where makers have the oppor-
                         engineer wants to evaluate    gine, four-wheel and a chassis   tunity to strengthen their de-
                         144 components found in a bill   is now a connected smart com-  signs for maximum value and
                         of materials for planned us-  puter that travels by road. The   operation.  DES  also  plays  an
                         age in a printed circuit board.    high-tech components, such as   important role in setup and
                         Using calculations under dif-  smart sensors, navigation sys-  optimization, as these types of
                         ferent  operating  temperatures,    tems, overhead consoles, and   products require complex man-
                         the  engineer  determines  that   more, are important  for safety   ufacturing lines.
                         20  of the 144 parts are  iden-  and must be extremely reliable.
                         tified as high risk. The en-  When designing and assem-     Futuristic technology
                         gineer then submits these     bling these ‘brains’ of the sys-  The demand for simulation
           The right     parts for consideration to    tem, simulation plays a key role   will  continue  to  increase
           simulation    be replaced by parts that per-  in predicting weak points relat-  across manufacturing to meet
           approach      form well at the higher operat-  ed to hundreds of tiny parts.  the growing need for increas-
           and exper-    ing temperature.              When applied before physical   ingly more complex products
           tise from     Another  example  is  determin-  prototyping, FEA simulation can   and  systems.  Simulation’s  vast
           goal setting   ing that 53 parts in a design will   indicate where component ad-  capabilities enable companies
           to analysis   last ten years, while 11 will last   justments are needed ahead of   to continuously push the edge
           and optimi-   for three years. This finding    fabrication.  This  helps  improve   on what is possible, creating
           zation will   indicates a need to replace the   reliability, shorten regulation   more  reliable,  feature-rich
           help ensure   11 parts to be comparable with   cycles, and save automakers   products that help make the
           that prod-    the longer-lasting parts.     money by getting it right the   world a better place.
           ucts and                                    first time. DES is also especially   To realize maximum value from
           systems       DfR provides the simulation   valuable as setting up a line can   simulation, product companies
           will be their   needed for:                 be quite time-consuming, par-  have two options: Invest in
           very best –   •  Cost control: On average,   ticularly in the approval process   simulation tools and develop
           now and in      a  considerable  portion  of  a   phase of production parts.  their own in-house expertise,
           the future.     project’s budget is typically                             or Choose a manufacturing
                           allocated to design         Cloud                         partner with deep expertise in
                         •  Preserving profits: Products   FEA and DfR simulation are ide-  simulation, optimized manu-
                           get to market earlier, pre-  al for the design and production   facturing models, and standard
                           venting erosion of sales and   of servers and other cloud infra-  procedures and practices for
                           market share                structure components to ensure   every step along the way.
                         •  Product differentiation:  As   the highest reliability in extreme   The right simulation approach
                           products  reach   maturi-   situations,  where temperature   and expertise from goal setting
                           ty, there are fewer oppor-  control is key. DES simulation   to analysis and optimization
                           tunities to set products    can also play a role in determin-  will  help  ensure  that  products
                           apart from the competition   ing how to rapidly bring high-de-  and systems will be their very
                           through traditional metrics   mand products to market.    best  –  now  and  in  the  future.
                           like price and performance                                Simulation  on  the  manufac-
                         •  Reliability  assurance: Ad-  Healthcare                  turing floor and in design cen-
                           vanced circuitry, sophisticat-  DES simulation can map neces-  ters has become a best practice
                           ed power requirements, new   sary steps, determining the best   among leading manufacturers
                           components, new material    process – even before a line or   and will continue as companies
                           technologies, and less robust   process is established. DfR can   look for better ways to design
                           parts make ensuring reliabil-  ensure the reliability of design,   and build the next generation
                           ity increasingly difficult.  such  as  a  glucose  monitor  or   of innovative products.

          24  |  September-October 2021                                                  Modern Manufacturing India
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