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object or an environment. They   tion and have the deep critical   modeled and evaluated, and
                         then  use  this  data  to perform   thinking and problem-solving   it is even more difficult to rep-
                         analysis  to determine  how  to   skills required to optimize the   resent them graphically or
                         optimize  complex  products  or   process or product design.  with objects.
                         systems. This simulation can oc-  The result of well-applied    Using DES, these high-com-
                         cur ahead of any physical action   simulation  can  include  a    plexity systems can be modeled
                         such  as  the  building  of a proto-  range of benefits, including   and analyzed  to help  make
                         type  or the  establishment  of a   speeding time to market, creat-  business decisions and drive
                         manufacturing line.           ing better, more reliable prod-  improvements in various ways.
                         It is an invaluable tool for ana-  ucts and more.           In some cases, and applications,
                         lyzing and optimizing dynam-  The three types of simulation   DES is the only way to study
                         ic processes. This is especially   that  are  used  for  design,  man-  a system and  make improve-
                         true  when  mathematical  opti-  ufacturing, or logistics simula-  ments due to the fact that the
                         mization  of  complex  systems   tion are Discrete Event Simula-  system is so large and complex
                         is impossible using traditional   tion, Design for Reliability, and   that any other method will
                         methods – and  when conduct-  Finite Element Analysis. Each   take years to model, statistical-
           The three     ing experiments within real   type  addresses  different  opti-  ly study and then make need-
           types of      systems is too expensive, time   mization challenges.       ed changes (assuming the re-
           simulation    consuming, or even dangerous.                               al-world system still exists and
           that are      Because it involves running an   Discrete Event Simulation  has stayed the same since the
           used for      extensive range of scenarios,   For any product, understand-  study started).
           design,       simulation provides engineers   ing the steps and interactions   Since DES is a representation
           manufac-      with a controlled and precise   of multiple processes is key    of a physical system, it allows
           turing, or    methodology in support of ob-  to  optimizing  production.  the  testing  and  experimenta-
           logistics     jective decision-making.      When    modeled,  simulated,  tion of an existing or current
           simulation    The most critical consideration   and analyzed, these steps of-  system  under  various  scenari-
           are Dis-      for any simulation project is to   fer  important  insight  into  the   os and provides insights based
           crete Event   ensure a clear understanding   overall process. This practice   on those scenarios. This is
           Simulation,   of the variables, constraints,   in the Manufacturing industry   a very powerful concept. In
           Design for    and information needed. This is   is called Discrete Event Sim-  theory, a real-world model is
           Reliability,   most often the longest part of a   ulation (DES) and is probably    being copied in a software-
           and Finite    simulation initiative. Ultimately,   the most frequently used type   created environment, creating
           Element       the quality of the data input plus   of simulation.         a ‘digital twin.’
           Analysis.     the engineers’ expertise deter-  DES models real-world phe-  Using this digital twin, DES
           Each type     mines the quality of the results.  nomena  or  a  system  of  opera-  allows for the possibility of
           addresses     Simulation analysis yields the   tion as a sequence of discrete   ‘what-if’ scenarios to be eval-
           different     best results when performed   events. Real-world phenomena   uated. Because the system is
                          The following diagram shows how simulation engineers may choose to model and analyze high-risk areas before
           optimiza-     by a dedicated team of engi-  with  stochastic  elements  can-  being represented by a model,
                          production and recommend solutions to help ensure product reliability targets.
           tion chal-    neers who specialize in simula-  not always be mathematically   it  is  easier  to  experiment  and
                          DfR is a multi-step process that takes many approaches
                                        DfR is a multi-step process that takes many approaches

                                                             3.  Analyze

                            1.  Identify         2.  Design                5.  Validate           6.  Control

                                                                                                                Source: Flex Ltd
                                                               4.  Verify

                          At the core of DfR is the physics of failure, which includes testing to identify issues and statistical analysis
          22  |  September-October 2021                                                  Modern Manufacturing India
                          to determine reliability prediction. This data can then be used to recalibrate as needed prior to
                          physical prototyping.

                          Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) is an important DfR tool, which predicts elapsed time between inherent
                          failures of a mechanical or electronic system during normal system operation. MTBF is calculated as the
                          arithmetic mean (average) time between failures of a system. This analysis is used for repairable systems.
                          Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) is the expected time to failure for non-repairable products or systems.

                          Using MTBF calculations, an engineer can improve a design by understanding points of failure.

                          For example, an engineer wants to evaluate 144 components found in a bill of materials for planned usage in
                          a printed circuit board. Using calculations under different operating temperatures, the engineer determines
                          that 20 of the 144 parts are identified as high risk. The engineer then submits these parts for consideration to be
                          replaced by parts that perform well at the higher operating temperature.
                          Another example is determining that 53 parts in a design will last ten years, while 11 will last for three years. This
                          finding indicates a need to replace the 11 parts to be comparable with the longer lasting parts.

                          DfR provides the simulation needed for:

                           •  Cost control: On average, a considerable portion of a project’s budget is typically allocated
                             to design

                           •  Preserving profits: Products get to market earlier, preventing erosion of sales and market share

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