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P. 29
Source: Blaser Swisslube Solutions Pvt Ltd
“Educating our customers on Blaser
coolant handling and care, and Swisslube
investment in technology and has been
partnership is a key aspect of continuously
our work. We, at Blaser investing in
Swisslube, have always worked
on building businesses with strength-
strong fundamentals; this has ening the
which has helped us build are built on different technol- helped us to increase resilience team, its
long-lasting customer relation- ogies like mineral oil-based, es- over time.” know-how,
ships here,” he adds. ter-based, or synthetic. Excel- Punit Gupta and capabil-
Sharing the company’s compre- lent human and environmental Managing Director ities in India
Blaser Swisslube Solutions Pvt Ltd
hensive range of metalworking compatibility is highly import- and globally.
fluids that cater to myriad in- ant to us.” The recent
dustries, he says that Blaser’s Blaser Swisslube Solutions fol- cides. This is a concept that the in CCC –
goal is to offer coolant solutions lows GHS European standards. company introduced 40 years Country
for a wide range of materials Its coolants are free of criti- ago,” informs Gupta. Competence
and applications, “We are hap- cal substances like boric acid. The company’s neat oil solutions Center – is
py to offer water-miscible, neat “There is also our unique Blaso- also offer high success in gear an example
oils as well as MQL (Minimal cut Bio-Concept. Water-mis- cutting, gear grinding, broach- of its fu-
Quantity Lubrication) prod- cible Blasocut emulsions stay ing, tool grinding, gun drilling ture-orient-
ucts and expertise to the Indian biologically stable inherently applications, and more. “Many ed journey.
market. Our coolant products without any need for bacteri- industry areas have a potential
Source: Blaser Swisslube
Technology Center of Blaser Swisslube in Switzerland
September-October 2021 | 29