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Source: Blaser Swisslube
Blaser Swisslube Team in India
A leading name in the field of metalworking fluids, Blaser Swisslube has had
an exciting journey of over 20 years in India. The company owes its success
to its customers who are spread across various segments, company sizes, and
geographical locations in the country, and leverages this medium to thank them
for helping it strengthen and expand its Liquid Tool approach.
100 percent-owned sub- know-how and expertise, are crucial performance indicators
A our strong backbone in India, such as tool life, cycle-time, work-
sidiary of Swiss-based
piece quality, and the machinist’s
which will help us grow even
Blaser Swisslube AG and
replicating the same set of ethics, further in the future,” he adds. satisfaction,” he adds.
Blaser India has customer satisfac- Industries have been transform-
tion as its top priority. “‘Serving ing by adopting technologies Wide range of solutions
before deserving’ was a key and hiring skilled employees Founded in 1936, the indepen-
principle of Willy Blaser, Founder and those with leadership qual- dent and family-owned Swiss
POONAM PEDNEKAR of the company, which is still ities. Gupta is happy to see Bla- company has grown from a
Chief Copy Editor
Magic Wand Media Inc valid even after 85 years of the ser’s contribution in the process, small business into a techno-
poonam.pednekar@ company’s establishment; we which has helped to drive the logically leading global player,
live it here in India too,” shares perception change among indus- having its presence in 60 coun-
Punit Gupta, Managing Director, try leaders who now look at the tries worldwide. The compa-
Blaser Swisslube Solutions Pvt Ltd. metalworking fluid as a ‘smart in- ny’s business in India has been
“The comprehensive research vestment with big results’ instead a success, shares Gupta. “Our
and development efforts of Bla- of a ‘necessary evil.’ “The right solution-driven approach has
ser Swisslube, along with its fluid can have a positive effect on been gaining wider acceptance,
28 | September-October 2021 Modern Manufacturing India