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Simulation provides manufacturers the ability to analyze and test a new
or revised product design and implement high-efficiency manufacturing lines
to ensure products are created quickly, accurately, and at volume. Here’s
knowing one of the advanced technologies that has become imperative in
high-quality manufacturing…
very year, billions of manufacturing executives be- outs, decrease bottlenecks, and
E products are made and lieve simulation is critical for improve every step of the man-
sold across the world.
success. This shift is driving
ufacturing process. The simula-
Each of these products, regardless tremendous growth in the mar- tion also provides insight into
of volume, is made in facilities ket, with simulation software the steps taken in a product’s
that follow certain steps to create, expected to reach more than lifecycle, including how it is
assemble, test, and ship. One mis- US$15 billion by 2026. made, how it works, and where To maxi-
step can cost time and money. Simulation plays an important it can be improved. mize the
The same is true for product de- role when building new prod- Adopting simulation in the value of
sign. One design flaw can lead to ucts or introducing changes product design process helps to simulation,
reliability issues – and lost cus- to existing products. When reduce the number of physical organiza-
tomers. Anything left to chance building innovative or com- prototypes and optimize the tions need
opens the door to risk. When ex- plex products, companies can design for manufacturing. But to define
perienced manufacturing engi- speed time to market and iden- what exactly is a simulation the KPIs
neers model, simulate and ana- tify potential issues by using and how does it work? they want
lyze a product or system, they simulation to visualize the end- to improve
significantly shrink that risk. to-end production process and Simulation capabilities and start
And the manufacturing in- product lifecycle. Simulation is the process of simula-
dustry agrees. A recent sur- This includes determining the modeling a real phenomenon tion early.
vey showed that 75 percent of most effective assembly line through a set of computer-based Examples
setup to prepare to meet de- mathematical formulas or algo- include
mand or transitioning a line to rithms. By taking this approach, increased
a next-generation product. It engineers can observe a repre- product
Source: Flex Ltd can determine optimal line lay- sentation of operations on an yield,
How manufacturing engineers extract the full value of simulation ing, and
line flows.
Source: Flex Ltd
September-October 2021 | 21