Page 35 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
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location  to another will reduce  Since AM is more digital, it is also   and  product functional out-
          costs by a greater proportion, in   prone  to major cyber-attacks.  puts. They can  even  generate
          addition  to lowering environ-  Hackers  may be  able  to hack  a surrogated model to optimize
          mental entropy.               the  digital file  over the  Inter-  product quality and  process
                                        net, look at the information and   with minimum sets of data.
          Challenges in additive        play unethical games. With new   There  are  numerous  analytical
          manufacturing                 business models evolving, many   as  well as  physics-based  tools
          In  recent years,  additive  tech-  companies  may just share  the  and techniques that are available
          nology has  drawn  the  atten-  printed CAD models where users   to address many of the challeng-
          tion  of many researchers  and  can  use  this  service  to print the  es  faced  by adopters  of additive  Since
          innovators,  and  has  built a  big  product on their own. Although   technologies. Engineers  and  sci-  additive
          expectation  of  transforming  3D printing may not be used for   entists are leveraging this tool to
                                                                                                    ing is more
          the  Manufacturing industry   the  entire  product design,  in-  predict distortion compensation,
                                                                                                    digital, it is
          to be  more  economical and   dustries are taking advantage of   support  generation,  thermal  also prone
          eco-friendly.  However,  the  both methods and technologies.  strain,  layer by layer visualiza-  to major cy-
          journey of adopting this  tech-                             tion,  potential blade  crash,  and  ber-attacks.
                                                                                                    Hackers may
          nology by the industry is not a   The future                so on to print the part effective-  be able to
          smooth  one  as  any other new  With  the  progress  in  Artifi-  ly and efficiently as per require-
                                                                                                    hack the dig-
          innovative technology.        cial Intelligence  (AI)  and  Ma-  ments. Physics-based  tools  are  ital file over
          The  range  of materials  that  chine  Learning (ML),  this  new  also used  by engineers  to val-  the Internet,
          qualifies  and  satisfies  all the  technology is  going to bring  idate  those  parts  for different  look at the
          regulatory  requirements  for  immense  benefits  to Manufac-  environmental conditions  and  information
                                                                                                    and play
          industrial parts  is  still evolv-  turing industries. With the use   reduce  the  expensive  process  unethical
          ing. Most printers  are  limited  of various  ML techniques,  en-  of trial and  error. A  technolo-  games.
          by their printing volume  ca-  gineers  can  now characterize  gy that started  with  the  goal of
          pacity. Industries  have  many  the material in different classes   rapid  prototyping has  expanded
          large-sized components and, at   and  groups. Process  parame-  its  goal towards  making lighter,
          present,  very few printers  are  ters  can  be  further optimized  complex shapes with acceptable
          available to meet such require-  by the  processing of large  sets  strength. The  road  ahead  for
          ments. There  is  a  large  scope  of data. Product defects can be   the  adoption  of this  technology
          of improvement in  the  energy  analyzed better and faster. En-  could be bumpy, but it’s encour-
          required  for printing between  gineers  can  do a  trade  study  aging to be  a  witness  to various
          different additive techniques.    between  process  parameters  resource reductions.

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