Page 40 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 40

aggressively since and expand-                              products which are 100 percent
                         ing our range for various pres-                             made in-house,” he adds.
                         sures,  flows,  and  materials.                             Starting with three models, to-
                         We  have  also been  developing                             day,  Rajamane  Industries  pro-
                         our infrastructure.”                                        duces over 120 models to meet
                         With plants and offices at Dobb-                            the  needs  of a  wide  array of
                         spet and  Bangalore,  Rajamane                              industries,  including Machine
                         Industries’ current turnover is                             Tools, Printing, Packing, Filtra-
                         `120 crore. It targets `150 crore                           tion,  and  Chemical. Revealing
                         by the next fiscal year.                                    the best-selling models and the
                                                                                     sector that generates  business
                         Rapid rise                                                  the most, he states, “The models
                         The  company is  proud  of its                              are available in a wide range for
                         comprehensive  product  line                                various  flows,  pressures,  and
                         that caters  to the  ever-chang-                            different materials  like  plastic,
                         ing requirements  of the  mar-                              brass,  and  SS. Although  most
                         ket. “We  have  a  wide  range  of Source: Rajamane Industries Pvt Ltd  of our business still comes from
                         pumps and their subparts for all                            the Machine Tools industry, we
                         the variations of OEM require-                              also cater to the  Chemical and
                         ments. We  can  supply pumps                                Printing industries.”
           Starting with   with  a  range  of motor powers,  “The Government is giving us the   The  company also has  the  ca-
                                                       opportunity to bring back our
           three mod-    voltages, and frequencies, with   focus and growth. Many of the  pability of manufacturing cus-
           els, today,                                 schemes will take time to be
           Rajamane      CE and  UL approvals  in  place,”  implemented. The industry needs   tom-built pumps  in  the  short-
           Industries    informs Rajamane.             to focus on moving in that direction,   est time, he informs. The range
           produces      It  even  makes  the  motors  for  which will require us to think  contributes  to a  large  percent-
           over 120      all the pumps it manufactures.   differently  and  look  for  the  age of its monthly production.
           models to     “We  produce  several electric  opportunities that lie ahead of us.”
           meet                                        Rajendra S Rajamane
           the needs of   motors  for OEM applications  Managing Director            State-of-the-art
           a wide        like  Filtration  Gear Boxes,  Lu-  Rajamane Industries Pvt Ltd  manufacturing facilities
           array of      brication  Systems,  and  Gear                              Rajamane  Industries  started
           industries,   Pumps. Our specialty is  to de-                             in  Whitefield,  Bangalore,  and
           including     liver small quantities in a short   for a  machine  tool application.  currently operates  from  two
           Tools, Print-  period,” he adds.            “Our in-house  designing and  locations  that house  the  as-
           ing, Packing,   It  has  also had  the  opportuni-  manufacturing of parts  is  the  sembly,  motor winding,  and
           Filtration,   ty to produce  an  oil skimmer  strength  that helps  us  make  critical  grinding  operations.
           and Chem-                                                                 “We  have  a  separate  site  for
                                                                                     volume-based,  off-the-shelf
                                                                                     products. In our endeavor to be
                                                                                     the  best,  we  have  established
                                                                                     a  state-of-the-art  200-tonne
                                                                                     ferrous  and  10-tonne  non-fer-
                                                                                     rous  foundry. Hence,  we  are
                                                                                     now able  to turn  in  our cast-
                                                                                     ing assignments  within  days.
                                                                                     The  quality also has  improved
                                                                                     with  better finish  and  lesser
                                                                                     weights, making our pumps on
                                                                                     par with international brands,”
                                                                                     shares Rajamane.  company’s
                                                                                  Source: Rajamane Industries Pvt Ltd  tablished  deliver our products
                                                                                     strengths, he says, “Our well-es-
                                                                                     that we
                                                                                     on time. Our team at Rajamane
                                                                                       another major strength
                                                                                     strives to satisfy every custom-

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