Page 34 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 34

Let  me  elaborate  on  the  new  ing. It is  capturing the  imag-  The transformation of physical
                         evolving technology in the man-  ination  of the  international  files to a digital ones makes this
                         ufacturing process  and  detail  business world and innovators   technique  an  environmentally
                         the benefits and challenges that   because  of the  enormous  pos-  friendly one as well.
                         lie ahead of this advancement in   sibility of shape  and  complex-  Additive manufacturing simplifies
                         manufacturing technology.     ity. As  the  name  suggests,  this  the manufacturing assembly lines
                         Additive  manufacturing  makes  technique  is  all about adding  AM supports  product innova-
                         the product lighter           materials layer by layer to cre-  tion and market responsiveness
                         In  a  conventional product de-  ate  parts,  whereas  traditional  because  designs  can  go from  a
                         sign process, engineers use tech-  manufacturing worked  on  the  digital file to a finished product
                         niques  like  generative  design,  subtraction of material from an   in a very short span of time. It is
                         topology optimization,  and  so  initial block. Hence,  this  dras-  not only the complexity, but also
                         on  to improve  their product  tically reduces  waste  or scrap  the combining of many different
                         strength  while  keeping  the  generation  that results  in  sav-  parts of a large assembly into a
                         weight in  check. In  general de-  ing energy through a recycling   single  bulk  part that results  in
                         sign  processes,  design  starts  process. One can argue that the   a  reduced  number of parts  re-
                         with  a  somewhat known  con-  support structure  required  for  quired for that asset. These ben-
           As the name   figuration  initially and  then  3D printing is a waste. Howev-  efits  are  taken  to a  new height
           suggests,     parametric studies  on  dimen-  er, it is comparatively very less.   by various  industries. For ex-
           this tech-    sions are performed along with   Additive  manufacturing  enables  ample, aerospace companies are
           nique is all
           about adding   a  few constraints. Many of  companies to realize digitalization  trying to build  a  rocket engine
           materials     these constraints came from the   Companies have great potential   with 100 parts instead of 10,000
           layer by layer   manufacturability perspective  to realize  their digitalization  parts. This  was  just a  dream  a
           to create     as  well. This  approach,  to help  journey with  additive  man-  few decades  ago,  but today it’s
           parts, where-  achieve  improvement on  the  ufacturing. Even  if you  keep  realizable  using the  additive
           as traditional
           manufactur-   designed  parts,  was  not opti-  printing parts aside, the journey   technique. This way, design has
           ing worked    mal. Hence, products created by   towards  digitalization  requires  the  potential to optimize  fur-
           on the        the  conventional process  have  a  digital form  of information  ther because there are no more
           subtraction of   much  scope  for improvement,  to store, share, inspect, and re-  end-part  constraints. Hence,  it
           material from   like  making them  lighter and,  use. AM provides a platform for   simplifies  the  manufacturing
           an initial
           block. Hence,   thereby,  reducing the  overall  various  stakeholders,  starting  process and assembly lines that
           this drasti-  carbon footprint. Parts designed   with the designer, manufactur-  translates  to fewer  man-hours
           cally reduces   and  printed  with  a  complex  er, supplier, and operator. They   spent on  the  assembly line
           the waste     lattice  structure are  becoming  all share  the  same  common  and better handling of logistics.
           or scrap      very common   with  additive  source  of truth. This  data  can  This makes the entire assembly
           that results   technology. This results in light-  be  easily stored  on  the  cloud  lighter and  the  final product is
           in saving en-  er products without compromis-  and  made  available  among all  more efficient.
           ergy through   ing their functionality  require-  stakeholders. This  leads  to the  Additive  manufacturing  con-
           the recycling   ments for strength.         realization  of a  critical stage  sumes less energy
                         Additive manufacturing reduces   called  the  ‘Digital Thread’ part  The initial part of material gen-
                         wastage                       of digital manufacturing. Digi-  eration like mining and process-
                         The gap created by convention-  tal manufacturing emphasizes  ing could have the same energy
                         al manufacturing constraints  the use of technology in a ‘Dig-  requirement for any type  of
                         is  getting filled  with  the  new  ital Thread’ environment to  manufacturing process. But it
                         additive  manufacturing tech-  efficiently manage  change,  in-  has  been  observed  that tradi-
                         nique, also known as 3D print-  spect, and save energy and cost.   tional CNC machining consumes
                                                                                     more  energy than  additive  for
                                                                                     similar part creation. This differ-
                                                                                     ence  becomes  more  significant,
                                                                        All          especially for energy-intensive
                                                             Larger     including    material products like titanium.
                                                 Secondary   production  Primary     AM also allows organizations to
                                                 and Tertiary           components
                                      Customized   components                        produce parts very close to their
                                                                                     users.  Reduced
                         Source: Ansys  Prototyping   Persoanlized                   costs  for moving various  raw
          34  |  November-December 2021                                                  Modern Manufacturing India
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