Page 30 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 30
Source: ESPRIT
Paragon Medical – Southington’s use of ESPRIT to program its Citizen machines has yielded major time savings and enabled the company to produce the
highly complex parts required for the medical, aerospace, pharmaceutical, and other industries.
Paragon Medical – Southington leveraged ESPRIT CAM, which helped it reduce
the time it took to program a 7-axis lathe from three days to one and offered
many other benefits.
P aragon Medical – South- Complex parts, complex ly 180 degrees apart from each
other. To make
ington, formerly known
as Economy Spring & The company manufactures a complex, the inner tubes also
Stamping, is a manufacturer of wealth of complex parts, such require drilling of 22 0.007-
precision and custom wire forms, as two concentric tubes used in inch diameter injection holes
metal stampings, coil springs, tu- the Medical industry for admin- in a helical pattern. There’s also
bular components, and product istering fluid to incisions. The a 12-inch slot in the part that is
assemblies. It serves the Medical, outer tube requires a 0.172-inch longer than the total travel of
Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, and outer diameter and a 0.158-inch the lathe.
Industrial markets. To stay com- inner diameter, while the inner Programmers at Paragon Med-
petitive, the company has invest- tube requires a 0.152-inch outer ical – Southington previously
ed in the latest manufacturing diameter and a 0.128-inch inner programmed this and other
equipment, including two Citi- diameter. The front end of the similar parts using the ma-
zen 7-axis Swiss-type turning inner tube is marked by several chine control. They would en-
centers boasting 400-watt L2000 intricate shapes, including two ter many manual commands,
Source: ESPRIT laser cutting systems. boot-shaped features precise- including laser commands and
30 | November-December 2021 Modern Manufacturing India