Page 37 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 37

Besides  product details,  every
                                                                      customer interaction  is  now
                                                                      available  on  the  Sales  Cloud.
                                                                      This  includes  details  such  as
                                                                      how likely a  lead  is  to convert,
                                                                      or how urgent a customer need
                                                                      is. A  mapping of customer pro-
                                                                      files and the solutions they may
                                                                      need has also been set up.
                                                                      All  this  data  provides  the  Sales
                                                                      teams  with  the  intelligence  to
                                                                      get the  best out of every cus-
                                                                   Source: Gemini Power Hydraulics  task creation also ensures time-
                                                                      tomer interaction. Automated
                                                                      ly follow-ups,
                                                                      productivity by around
                                                                      cycle by 10 percent.
                                        “Salesforce has opened a      cent, while shortening the sales
                                                                      The focus on processes has also
                                        completely new perspective for us
                                        in terms of what a CRM can do.”  meant the  company’s  salespeo-
                                                                      ple are able to consistently offer
                                        Rajiv Sethi
                                        Founder                       customers  comprehensive  solu-  Automat-
                                        Gemini Power Hydraulics
                                                                      tions rather than merely selling   ed task
                                                                      products. No longer person-de-  creation
                                                                                                    now ensures
                                                                      pendent,  the  Sales  teams  work
                                        internally  were  limited  by  off the  data  and  streamlined  follow-ups
                                        what we  knew and  how much   processes  for decision-making.  by the Sales
                                        we  could  program  into them,”  “We  have  said  goodbye  to sub-  teams, and
                                        shares Sethi.                 jectivity in our sales cycle. Sales-  has boosted
                                        In  2019,  Gemini  decided  to de-  force  has  made  sales processes
                                                                                                    by around
                                        ploy Salesforce  to ramp  up  its  and  decision-making entirely  60 percent,
                                        digital journey.              data-based,” he adds.         while short-
                                                                                                    ening the
                                        Building a process-driven     Improving service
                                                                                                    cycle by
                                        cycle                         processes with Salesforce     10 percent.
                                        Gemini’s  existing CRM solution  Gemini  Power Hydraulics  has
                                        was static and only partly on the   also automated service processes
                                        Cloud. This meant two things –   on the Service Cloud, and is now
                                        the  Sales  teams  did  not have  focusing on optimizing them.
          a  code  to standardize  the  sales  access  to the  latest product in-  Service  agents  record  customer
          quotation  process  so his  Sales  formation such as price, version,   service calls on the Service Cloud.
          team  could  serve  customers  in-  and  availability when  at the  Each call request is assigned as a
          dependently and consistently.  customer site. There  was also  case  to the  asset which  needs
          As  Gemini  has grown,  so has  the  no way for them  to record  de-  repair, and a ticket is raised. The
          use of technology. Since it operates   tails of customer interactions on   final goal is to see, at the click of
          in a capital-intensive industry, Ra-  the  go. So,  a  complete  informa-  a  button,  the  complete  schedule
          jiv  sought to reinvent Gemini’s  tion  needed  to make  decisions  of repairs  that have  been  per-
          processes for greater efficiency. He   during customer interactions  formed  on  one  or many assets
          started with sales processes.  was not always at hand.      owned by a customer.
          The  Sales  teams  used  to record  With  Salesforce  CRM software,  The streamlining of the service
          customer interactions  on  vari-  salespersons  now have  infor-  process has boosted the Service
          ous  home-grown  and  branded  mation  updated  in  real-time  at  team  productivity by 10  per-
          CRMs  (Customer Relationship  their fingertips.  “Salesforce has   cent. Going forward,  a  single
          Management). But these  solu-  opened  a  completely new per-  customer view will help Gemini
          tions  fell short in  what they  spective for us in terms of what   promptly offer options  to cus-
          could offer. “The CRMs we built   a CRM can do,” notes Rajiv.  tomers whose assets fall outside

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