Page 33 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 33
Additive manufacturing, a technology that started with the goal of rapid proto-
typing, has now expanded its goal towards making lighter, complex shapes with
acceptable strength. The reduction in the material used, lesser number of parts
for maintenance, lesser transportation, and reduced energy consumption make
this manufacturing technique a truly sustainable solution.
Source: Ansys
Structural simulation of a bracket’s lattice structure
A recent conversation with ly, and billions of kilograms of Advantages of additive
of my non-Indian
toxic material waste
friends on the topic of erated every year and pollute Creating a simulation-based
how we are taking on sustainable both water and air. Many big workflow can predict part
development ended with my re- cities in the world today are in quality and has the potential
ply: “When any automobile compa- the red zone. Hence, there is an to significantly reduce the pro-
Technical Manager ny wants to sell its product in India, urgent need to minimize our cess time required by the tradi-
South and ASEAN the first question they come up with carbon footprint at every stage. tional method. Simulation soft-
Ansys is ‘Kitna deti hai/What is the mile- When introducing a new pro- ware lets one create additive
lalan.singh@ age?’” This translates to how effi- duction technology, because manufacturing (AM) designs
cient/less polluting a vehicle is. many parts must be produced and simulate the metal addi-
Jokes apart, the recent pan- and verified until target quality tive manufacturing process to
demic has made people and can be achieved, the traditional reduce product development
organizations rethink sustain- trial-and-error validation pro- time. It is an end-to-end manu-
able development. Millions of cess is extremely time-consum- facturing solution that can save
hectares of forest are lost year- ing and expensive. both time and money. November-December 2021 | 33