Page 28 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 28
supply chain up to final trials performance and ‘right-the- the focus, dedication, and ca-
and installation. Sharing what first-time’ deliveries. Last but pabilities of our engineers to
it is that helps the company not least, we take pride in the ensure customer satisfaction
stay ahead of its contempo- competence of our passionate than this. We also proactive-
raries, Venkatesan says, “Our team who always puts the cus- ly supported the community
key USP is our state-of-the-art tomer first,” he adds. during this unprecedented cri-
manufacturing facility, stra- sis by providing masks, sanitiz-
tegically located in Bengalu- Pandemic woes ers, and other PPEs to frontline
ru, the technology hub of In- The challenges faced by WID- workers, home quarantine kits
dia. This helps us leverage the MA were no different from the to low-income households, and
strength of the local supply industry in general, where the medical equipment such as ICU
chain to imbibe best-in-class first wave brought operations beds and oxygen concentrators
quality in all of our processes.” to an abrupt halt overnight, to Government and private
The manufacturing facility, he and the more catastrophic sec- hospitals,” he adds.
informs, is equipped with ad- ond wave led to tepid demand
vanced equipment manufac- just when the economy was Plans for the future
turing tools and industry-lead- beginning to witness signs of Venkatesan reveals that WID-
ing software that simulate the recovery. “Amid these chal- MA will remain committed
WIDMA’s lenges, we prioritized the safe-
new product end-to-end process and ensure to its brand promise of ‘ma-
development precision and accuracy. “Re- ty of our employees and other chineering tomorrow’ by work-
team is alizing the need of the hour stakeholders, which is a core ing closely with its customers
relentlessly to drive productivity through value for Kennametal. We im- to deliver solutions that equip
working on connected data, we have inte- plemented robust COVID-19 them to stay competitive in
expanding grated IIoT into our machines protocols in conjunction with the evolving environment.
its portfolio, that provide both intuitive and leading health authorities, so as “Our new product development
leveraging data-driven analysis of ma- to ensure the health and safety team is relentlessly working on
its strength chine performance. Apart from of our employees, while con- expanding our portfolio, lever-
in special these, our competitive edge tinuing to serve our customers aging our strength in special
purpose lies in the robust in-house who are relying on us,” shares purpose machines to augment
machines Venkatesan.
to augment capability through the val- our offerings in the custom-
its offer- ue chain, where teams across The company’s engineers lev- and semi-standard space. Our
ings in the R&D, procurement, manufac- eraged virtual reality technol- innovation helps solve custom-
custom- and turing, quality, and commis- ogy for equipment installations ers’ biggest challenges, so they
semi-stan- sioning collaborate seamless- when they could not be onsite can deliver the products and
dard space. ly with a structured review due to travel restrictions. “There solutions we rely on every day,”
mechanism to ensure on-time cannot be a better testimony to he adds, summing up.
Source:Kennametal India
28 | November-December 2021 Modern Manufacturing India