Page 43 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
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designs and manufactures a broad                            new ideas, and they help us with
          range of highly engineered world-                           customer interaction  and  good-
          class  Induction  Heating capital                           will creation. These platforms also
          equipment for the  hardening of                             aid  in  showcasing to the  world
          components  used  in  a  variety of                         the  developments  made  in  GH
          industries  such  as Automobile,                            India,” explains Chari.
          Steel,  Railways,  and  Defense,                            Periodically,  training sessions  are
          among others.                                               conducted  by the  suppliers  on
          GH India has developed a highly                             their highly specialized  products,
          efficient generator that reduces                            wherein  the  engineers  from  GH
          energy consumption  by 5  per-                              India are apprised of the latest de-
          cent to cater to the Pipe & Tub-                            velopments in them.
          ing industry.                                               Visits  are  arranged  to customer
          Some  of the  popular applications                          places to interact with them. This
          are: Heat-treating (surface  hard-  Source: GH Induction Pvt Ltd  exercise  provides  a  wealth  of in-
          ening,  tempering,  annealing);                             formation to GH India as the Sales
          Mass  heating for forging,  extru-                          &  Service  Team  gets  to know the
          sion,  upsetting;  High-frequency  “We take pride in offering superior   needs  and  requirements  of the
          induction  welding for tube  mills;  European technology, fast and  customer  first-hand. At the  same
                                        efficient services, and excellent
          Seam  annealing for tube  mills;                            time,  difficulties  experienced  by
                                        process technology support with
          Brazing for tools, cladding diffuser   Indian flexibility and pricing. We  the  customer with  their existing  GH India
          bottoms for cookware, motor end   have to our credit more than 4,000   machines  provide  the  basic data  outsources
                                        installations worldwide. GH India
          rings,  transformer  conductors;                            required  for the  Engineering &  its require-
                                        has  complete  know-how  and
          Shrink  fitting;  Vacuum  sintering,  access to the latest technology of   Application Team to work upon.  ments to
          annealing, levitation melting; and   the Group.”                                          MSMEs and
          ‘plug-quenching’ of critical parts  RV Chari                Dearth of skilled personnel   trates only
          to limit the distortion.      Managing Director             Large  corporations  and  SMEs  are
                                        GH Induction India Pvt Ltd                                  on wiring,
          Ninety  percent of GH  India’s                              both  equally inflicted  with  the  assembly,
          turnover is  attributed  to the  Au-                        issue of a dearth of skilled person-  operating
          tomobile  sector,  followed  by the  tabs  on  the  market,  which  the  nel. Chari  shares  how GH  India  software,
                                                                                                    and techni-
          Nuclear Power Sector, Renewable   company does  by participating  tackles  this  issue  in  its  capacity,
                                                                                                    cal know-
          Energy Sector, etc.           in  trade  events. “Our Sales  and  “GH  India,  operating in  the  niche  how required
                                        Technical Team participates in the   field  of manufacturing custom-  for the
          Ensuring customer             exhibitions  conducted  by presti-  ized  induction  heating machines,  hi-tech niche
          satisfaction                  gious  organizations  like  IMTMA,  requires   not only a  skilled  but  machine
          To ensure meeting the customer’s   ACMA,  etc. These  events  are  also a  well-trained workforce. For
          ever-changing demands,  Chari  eye-openers; they keep us abreast   us to train our personnel, we first
          explains that it’s essential to keep   of developments, competitors, and   need  to identify their qualifica-
                                                                      tions, attitude, and aptitude.”
                                                                      The  company recruits  freshers
                                                                      from  Polytechnic Colleges,  In-
                                                                      dustrial Training Institutes  (ITI),
                                                                      and Engineering Colleges. It then
                                                                      gives  them  on-the-job training
                                                                      in  assembly,  wiring,  and  trials
                                                                      to make  them  understand  the
                                                                      whole  process. “It’s  the  most
                                                                      cost-effective  and  simple  meth-
                                                                      od  of training your employees
                                                                      under expert supervision,  and
                                                                   Source: GH Induction Pvt Ltd  to work  straight away,” he  adds. a
                                                                         newest employees
                                                                                    to maintain
                                                                      small buffer strength
                                                                                        to supple-
                                                                      or exigencies.
          Shopfloor of GH Induction India Plant                       ment in the case of emergencies
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