Page 40 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
P. 40


                         Source: Magic Wand Media

                         TOWARDS                         A SMART                       FUTURE

                         Indian   companies    must equip     themselves    with   the  requisites,  including
                         knowledge,    skills,  and  attitude,  to advance  technologically and  adapt to the
                         changing scenario.

                         M        manufacturing  have  ments and  attitudes  knowledge,  Machine-as-a-Service  (MaaS)  has
                                                                        to adapt to
                                  other industries
                                                                                     emerged as a strong manufactur-
                                   en  remarkable  pro-  the changing environment.   ing force  thanks  to Industry 4.0.
                         gress  in  technology in  the  last  Sensor-enabled  machines  can  By 2022, the market for Machine
                         few years. Technological ad-  communicate  successfully with  Learning as a service is estimated
                         vancements are fuelling the next   other machines,  devices,  and  to approach  US$  3.754  million.
                         industrial revolution. Connected   people,  allowing for data  col-  By 2021,  it was  estimated  to be
                         products and systems in factories   lection  that may be  used  to  3.3 billion  M2M (Machine-to-
                         throughout the  world  are  mak-  make informed decisions in the   Machine) global connections.
                         ing businesses smarter and more   changing landscape. Industry  All  operational aspects  of the
                         responsive  to the  needs  of their  4.0 is a collection of technologies   manufacturing business,  from
          President & CEO  customers. The  primary goal of  such as Cloud Computing for Big   conventional industries like Au-
          AGI Glaspac                                                                tomotive  and  Coal to high-end
  businesses is to leverage technol-  Data  and  Analytics;  Cobots  of
                         ogy to improve  efficiency and  the Industrial Internet of Things   manufacturing, will be brought
                         profitability, increase innovation,   (IoT);  Sensors  and  Simulation;  together in the future by digital
                         and manage safety, performance,   Integration  of both  horizontal  manufacturing  (miniaturiza-
                         and environmental impact. Indi-  and  vertical systems;  Cyber Se-  tion,  printed  electronics,  etc.).
                         an  companies  need  to be  pre-  curity;  Augmented  Reality;  and  The  Boston  Consulting Group
                         pared for technological advance-  Virtual Reality.          predicts  that by 2025,  the  per-

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