Page 41 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
P. 41
dustry faces obstacles that could Overcoming obstacles
hinder the adoption of linked Even though the Indian Man-
factories. Companies find it ufacturing industry is rapidly
challenging to operate with less adopting technology, it must
human oversight. address the obstacles that
could hinder the adoption of
Interoperability linked factories.
An infrastructure change may Inflexibility is a problem for
be required when wireless con- many manufacturers when in-
nectivity is implemented. An in- corporating new technologies.
tegrated tool can be used to keep The majority of factories still use
track of inbound and outbound paper-based processes, which
shipments for location-related needs to change. One of the most
information, timely order ful- prominent challenges organiza-
fillment, and critical in-transit tions face is the lack of competent
factors such as temperature, hu- staff to develop and deploy smart
midity, storage conditions, etc., solutions. During the transition,
One of
to bridge the connectivity gap. factory workers would need time
the most
to adapt to the new environment. prominent
Financing As a result, it’s critical to provide challenges
In India, the Government’s ‘Make them with the training and time organiza-
tions face
in India’ project, which aspires to they need to become proficient.
is the lack
turn the country into the world’s Companies cannot afford to
of compe-
factory and create high-skilled neglect the equally important is- tent staff
jobs in the industry, is an essential sue of security. They must have to develop
facilitator of linked factories. The mechanisms to protect their in- and deploy
smart solu-
decision-making processes of the tellectual property, data, and com-
tions. During
governing committees and lead- munications. Their knowledge of
the transi-
centage of work performed by ers should be clearly outlined. the software necessary to main- tion, factory
robots in all manufacturing in- tain data privacy while allowing workers
dustries will rise from roughly Sense of safety and security them to exchange data and logis- would need
time to
10 percent to about 25 percent. The most critical consideration is tics details must be thorough.
adapt to the
An increase in automation, security. Data, communication,
new envi-
which can increase productivity and intellectual property rights The way forward ronment.
by 30 percent, can reduce indus- must be protected. Concerns The Government’s ‘Make in In- It’s critical
trial labor expenses by as much about data security have arisen dia’ project will be a significant to provide
them with
as 5 percent annually. as more systems are integrated, facilitator of linked factories in
the training
and more people are granted India. These factories’ ability to
and time
Challenges faced by the greater access to those systems. integrate global supply chains by to become
manufacturing industry enabling real-time information proficient.
in India Upskilling exchange to develop analytical
According to CII, a mere 28 per- The sector is expected to create frameworks for improving effi-
cent of India’s industrial Man- 100 million new jobs by next ciency will be critical.
ufacturing sector is equipped year and reach a value of US$ Some of the most critical differ-
with a smart factory. Since the 1 trillion by 2025. It is seeing entiators for manufacturers em-
introduction of Industry 4.0, an increase in demand for so- barking on connected factories
the smart factory has become a cial, behavioral, and cognitive will be a forward-looking men-
crucial part of the industry. As a skills and attitudes such as crisis tality, investment in R&D, a tal-
part of the Government’s ‘Make management, resilience, inter- ented workforce, and a powerful
in India’ plan, linked factories personal communication, quick human-machine interface.
will become a reality. However, decision-making, and critical Those that get on board with
there are formidable challenges thinking. Experts believe that Industry 4.0 early will gain an
listed as follows: these skills are necessary to gen- advantage over their competi-
erate maximum efficiency from tors, while those who hesitate
Integration machines being deployed with will find themselves irrelevant
The Indian Manufacturing in- emerging technologies. and left behind. January-February 2022 | 41