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The passionate team behind    induction field,” he adds.    emerged from the unprecedented
                         the success                                                 situation. He shares, “In the initial
                         The  inspiring force  behind  GH    GH India and automation  phase of COVID-19, we had to face
                         India  is  its  Promoter Director  SMEs are often reluctant to em-  the  hitherto unforeseen  situation
                         &  Vice  Chairman  –  VR Chari,  brace automation. Chari tells us   of Confirmed  Orders  on  hand
                         a  doyen  in  the  induction  field  how the company has leveraged   being put on hold by the custom-
                         since 1964, who has had wide ex-  automation for its growth.  ers. They later postponed  their
                         posure  to various  industrial ap-  “Automation  comes  into effect  decision  to place  new negotiated
                         plications  and  the  ability to find  whenever machines  and  com-  orders, leading us to an uncertain
                         appropriate  solutions  to satisfy  puters  are  used  for repetitive  future, and we were left in a ‘wait
                         customer needs  by adopting an  manual activities. GH  India,  & watch’ phase.”
                         out-of-the-box approach.      being in  the  machine-building  Once  the  lockdown  was  lifted
                         “Eighty  percent  of the  manag-  industry where  each  machine  partially and then fully, employ-
                         ers  (star  members)  who form  is  unique  due  to customization,  ees who had left for their native
                         the  Core  Team  are  involved  in  the scope of repetitive activities   places  could  not return  to the
                         the  various  aspects  of machine  that can  be  automated  is  rela-  workplace. With  uncertainty
                         building. They have  been  with  tively less,” he explains.  plaguing the production and sup-
                         GH India for more than 15 years,   “Extensive  usage  of software  ply-chain cycle, he adds that the
                         and some of them who started as   solutions  and  simulation  pack-  overall mood was not upbeat.
                         trainees at the time of its incep-  ages  such  as  Solidworks,  Eplan,  “Visits  by the  Sales  &  Service
                         tion have grown to head various   Finite  Element Analysis,  and  Team  to Customer places  were
           The compa-
           ny imple-     departments. This winning team   extensive  CNC/PLC  software  is  curtailed,  alternate  channels  of
           ments the     is well-equipped to meet any un-  part and parcel of the entire ma-  communication  like  ‘Microsoft
           ‘Gurukul’     toward challenges that may arise   chine building process,” he adds.  Teams’ meetings had to be estab-
           system of     at any time,” Chari shares.   GH  India  outsources  its  require-  lished, and the employees had to
           learning for   GH  India  implements  the    ments  to MSMEs  and  concen-  develop  new skills  in  ‘on-line’
           its employ-
           ees. Fresh    ‘Gurukul’ system  of learning for  trates  only on  wiring,  assem-  communications,” he adds.
           recruits      its  employees. Fresh  recruits  bly,  operating  software,  and  Though the deliveries were put
           work with     work with the team leader from   technical know-how required for     on hold, GH India continued its
           the team      the  problem  definition  stage  to  hi-tech  niche  machine  building.  manufacturing activity with the
           leader from   the development of the solution.   On the other hand, it sells automa-  available  workforce  and  stock
           the problem
           definition    The managers are involved right   tion  (low-cost automation  appro-  of materials  on  hand. It made
           stage to the   from machine  and  software  tri-  priate to the application) as part of   extensive  use  of the  in-house
           develop-      als  to the  discussions  with  the  the solution to its customers.   facilities  (like  hardening ma-
           ment of the   Control Team  and  review meet-                             chines  for trials  supplement-
                         ings with customers.          Challenges during             ed  by appropriate  fixturing)
                         “Over  the  years,  the  sustained  lockdowns               to make  up  for the  challenges
                         efforts  put in  by the  Directors,  The  entire  Manufacturing indus-  posed by the pandemic.
                         Star Members,  and  all the  other  try had  to face  many obstacles  “For  GH  India,  working capi-
                         employees  have  contributed  to  during the  pandemic lockdowns  tal was not a problem since the
                         GH  India’s  creating a  name  for   and  is  still grappling with  its  ef-  management had  the  foresight
                         itself  as  a  dependable  and  ver-  fects. Chari  gives  insight into  to save enough for a rainy day,”
                         satile  solution  provider in  the   what GH  India  faced  and  how it  Chari informs.

                         Source: GH Induction Pvt Ltd

                         Component Heating

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