Page 38 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
P. 38
With an increase in technological advancements in the manufacturing sector and
rising demand for customized products and services, manufacturers must rethink
the way traditional manufacturing is approached, especially when supply chains
must be readjusted using smarter technologies – especially additive manufacturing.
the pandemic has taught man-
ufacturers in India and globally
that it’s time to move away from
traditional manufacturing ap-
proaches. An inherent constraint
that organizations have had to
work around is the prediction of
demand for months in advance.
This challenge remains agnostic
of industry and scale – be it Auto-
motive, Real Estate, or Consumer
Stores. Being able to predict this
demand accurately and avoiding
wastage of resources will be a
key priority as the nation adapts
to the requirements of Industry
4.0. The capability to use gener-
ative design plays an important
role in part optimization and is
one of the main advantages that
additive manufacturing offers
over traditional manufacturing
methods. This not only saves
time but also eliminates the
for long transport routes
need storage areas, consequently
Source: Stratasys reducing the a shift toward digi-
tal manufacturing opens
possibility of a digital supply
chain that is quicker, cheaper,
s the global manufac- 90 percent and reduce manu- and safer for the environment.
A turing ecosystem tran- facturing energy use by 25 to This will enable the sustainable
sitions into Industry 50 percent. From rapid proto- production of customized and
4.0, there is a massive require- typing to mass production and high-quality products for multi-
ment to advance production injection moulding to end-user ple industries such as Aerospace,
RAJIV BAJAJ methods and find an alterna- production, additive manufac- Healthcare, Automotive, and
Managing Director - India Consumer Electronics.
and SEA tive to energy-intensive manu- turing has been resolving sev-
Stratasys facturing and transportation eral manufacturing challenges
processes. As per a 2019 report and gaining prominence in Role of additive
by the U.S. Department of multiple sectors. manufacturing in
Energy, compared to traditional driving sustainability
manufacturing, additive manu- Digital Manufacturing Manufacturing is an energy-
facturing could decrease waste and Industry 4.0 and resource-intensive activi-
and materials costs by nearly It is common knowledge that ty, which leads to waste gener-
38 | January-February 2022 Modern Manufacturing India