Page 39 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
P. 39
ation throughout the product
lifecycle. Additive manufactur-
ing could improve the sustain-
ability of industries globally.
The very process of manufac-
turing by using only the mate-
rial needed, instead of remov-
ing excess material, without the
need of producing tools, could
be revolutionary for the glob-
al environment. Production of
parts only when and where it is
needed can go a long way in re-
ducing overall emissions from
industrial production.
Another essential aspect is Source: Stratasys
transportation. Manufacturing
is just the first step, followed The future
will focus
by assembling and finally
on adopting
delivering it to the customer sures to upgrade unresponsive development, and education.
unique mate-
– all of which involves logis- supply chains and 20 century This will also pave the way for
rials, smart
tics, which, apart from adding energy-intensive manufactur- advanced additive manufactur-
solutions, and
to the overall costs, results in ing and transportation pro- ing technologies optimized for a intelligent
emissions. With additive man- cesses intersect with a mature wide variety of applications and connectivity
ufacturing, one can send a dig- adoption curve for additive a broad range of cost-effective, to the man-
ital file to the place where it manufacturing. This technol- high-performance materials. ufacturing
is needed, and then it can be ogy will ensure that manufac- The future will focus on adopt- systems – all
printed locally. This not only turers can deliver an array of ing unique materials, smart of which will
saves a lot of time and resourc- high-volume products while solutions, and intelligent con- be made
possible by
es but also has a positive impact maintaining low costs, high nectivity to the manufactur-
additive man-
on energy consumption. quality, and sustainable meth- ing systems – all of which will
ods of production. be made possible by additive
Some indus-
Scope of additive Over the past two years, the manufacturing. Some industry try experts
manufacturing world has witnessed the im- experts also predict that this also predict
We are currently at an inflec- pact of additive manufacturing technology can support the that this
tion point for global manufac- in critical areas such as health- expansion of space programs. technology
turing, where massive pres- care, manufacturing, product Innovations in this space have can support
also made it possible to envi- the expan-
sion a distributed network of sion of space
manufacturing with 3D print- programs.
ers strategically placed world-
wide, interfacing with cloud-
based, digital inventory that
is produced locally, as needed.
The potent combination of
smart additive manufacturing
systems, connected to a digital
supply chain and supported by
modern cutting-edge innova-
tion, can transform the face of
the entire Manufacturing sec-
tor. The best part is that it will
using less
Source: Stratasys and energy and with better
performance and a much short-
er time to market. January-February 2022 | 39