Page 47 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
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tery packs  and  BMS. The  pack                             HR, Finance & Accounts, Com-
          will soon  be  certified  for AIS-                          pliance, and Supply Chain. Nas-
          48, and subsequently, the eHCV                              kar, on the other hand, looks at
          will be sent for certification.”                            leading technology and  prod-
          All of the company’s CVs have                               uct development for electric
          4G/LTE connectivity,  and  the                              powertrains and eCVs.
          data  acquired  from  the  oper-                            The company is backed by some
          ation  of these  vehicles  is  up-                          of the largest early-stage VCs in
          loaded to its Mobility Platform.                            the Indian ecosystem. “Some of
          The  mobility platform  is  an                              our major investors  are  Endi-
          integrated  software  platform                              ya  Partners,  growX  Ventures,
          to process  the  acquired  data                             and Micelio Mobility Fund. We
          to offer analytics and a host of                            have  raised  around  US$3 mil-
          value-added  services  like  OTA                            lion cumulatively across all our
          updates,  health  monitoring,                               equity financing rounds  and
          energy management,   charge                                 more than US$1 million in debt
          scheduling,  etc. to Cell Propul-  Source: CellProp Pvt Ltd  financing,” he adds.
          sion customers.
                                        “In India, more than 80 percent of   Hurdles on the way     Currently,
          The start of the journey      freight is moved by CVs (Commer-  Revealing  the  key challeng-  the company
          Cell  Propulsion  was  founded    cial Vehicles). Hence, their lar-  es  the  startup  currently faces,  is deploying
          by  Kukar,  Paras  Kaushal,   ge-scale electrification will not just   Kukar explains,  “Due  to lack  eLCVs with
                                                                                                    a 1-tonne
          and  Supratim  Naskar. Before    reduce emissions but also India’s   of local production, global sup-
                                        diesel import.”                                             playload to
          CellProp,  Kukar and  Kaushal                               ply chain  disruptions  caused  an initial set
          worked  at the  Indian  Space  Nakul Kukar                  by the  pandemic,  and  a  global  of custom-
                                        Founder & CEO
          Research  Organization  (ISRO)  CellProp Pvt Ltd            semiconductor shortage,  sup-  ers. These
                                                                                                    eLCVs are
          on  its  launch  vehicle  rocket                            ply  chain  and  inventory man-
          engine  systems. At the  time,                              agement has become an issue.”  ufactured
          Naskar,  Chief Technical Offi-  were  involved  in  the  design  &  The  availability of skilled  talent  vehicles that
          cer (CTO)  of the  company,  was  development of core  technolo-  to build high-voltage, high-pow-  are built
          working on launch vehicle pay-  gy and powertrain components   er equipment for eHCVs  is  an-  from the
          load fairings and mechanisms.  like  battery packs,  BMS,  mo-  other problem, he acknowledges.  ground up
                                                                                                    in its facility
          Kukar  and   Paras  Kaushal,  tors,  drives,  etc. Subsequently,  When  asked  how the  compa-  using bat-
          COO & Co-Founder of the com-  they worked  on  integrating  ny copes with the competition   tery packs
          pany,  had  also worked  with    all these  discrete  components  in  the  field,  Kukar responds,  and BMS
          an  aerospace  startup  on  the  into powertrain  systems  for  “The  key to competing in    developed
          design & development of lunar   eLCVs  and  eHCVs. “Our initial  the  CV  segment is  to offer the  and man-
          lander systems  and  the  design  goal was to sell eCVs to logistics   most advanced  features  in  our  in-house.
          &  development of solar-pow-  companies. But upon  realizing  eCVs  and  make  them  catego-
          ered  electric aircraft. While  various  systemic  challenges  ry-leading products  for the
          working on the electric aircraft   involved  in  their adoption,  we  customers. Some  such  features
          project,  they realized  that the  began  to focus  on  building the  are  payload  capacity,  range,
          electrification  of ground  ve-  complete ecosystem to acceler-  starting  torque,  etc.  Offer-
          hicles  represented  a  massive  ate the adoption and make the   ing the  best specifications  for
          opportunity in  India. Given  transition  for logistics  compa-  these  features  at a  reasonable
          the experience gained with EV   nies  to electric highly seam-  price  is  being achieved  by us
          technology and  prior experi-  less,” shares Kukar.         through  in-house  technology
          ence  in  managing complex en-  While  Kukar sees  fundraising,  development and  massive  ver-
          gineering projects,  they decid-  investor interactions,  business  tical integration.”
          ed to initiate this venture.  development,  and  formulating  Cell  Propulsion  also offers  a
          The  company started  full-time  the  overall strategy and  vision  host of digital solutions  and
          operations  in  2017 with  the  for the  company,  Kaushal is  services to operate and manage
          goal of designing and  produc-  responsible for managing com-  eCVs  efficiently. This  enables
          ing electric commercial vehi-  pany operations  and  oversee-  the  consistent performance  of
          cles (eLCVs and eHCVs). During   ing the general administration,   its  products  and  increases  sav-
          the  initial years,  the  Founders  infrastructure  development,  ings  for its  customers  during

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