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                         Learn what superfinishing is, what applications it should be used for and why

                         you should take care when specifying surface finish parameters.

                                                                                                                Source: Nagel Precision Inc.

                         Different parts and materials that have been superfinished.

                                  here  is  a  constant   nent’s surface finish while also   amounts of stock on the order of
                          T       pressure on manu-    improving its micro-contour ac-  0.002-0.005 mm from the diam-
                                  facturers to both en-
                                                                                     eter. While steel is the most
                         hance the efficiency of manu-  roundness, straightness, cylin-  common  material  to  superfin-
                         facturing and enhance the     dricity and more.  Despite its   ish, he says, the process can also
                         performance of manufactured   usefulness for automotive parts,   be applied to exotic alloys, tita-
                         products, often by taking the   the application potential for su-  nium, aluminum and even glass
                         weight out of components. For   perfinishing is wide-reaching.   and ceramic.
                         automotive manufacturers, this   From  job  shops  to  large    One of superfinishing’s  main
                         is coupled with pressure to re-  original  equipment  manufac-  benefits  is  that it  is  a  cold
                         duce emissions. According to   turers (OEMs), superfinishing   material  process,  which  means
                         Sanjai Keshavan, Manager, ECO   has found roles in small medical   it eliminates the thermally dam-
          EMILY PROBST   Hone and Microfinishing Sys-  parts such as hip and spine im-  aged layer that is  left by previ-
          Senior Editor   tems  Division,  Nagel  Precision   plants and aerospace parts such   ous  operations  such  as  grind-
          Modern Machine Shop
                         Inc., all these pressures helped   as turbine and landing gear   ing.  This  has  a key impact  on
                         lead to the development of su-  components. According to Kes-  extending  component  life.  For
                         perfinishing — a finishing pro-  havan, superfinishing can con-  example,  Keshavan  says that if
                         cess first applied to production   ceivably be used in any OD ap-  the  bearing  surfaces  of an  en-
                         around the 1930s that is de-  plication  that  requires  the   gine  crankshaft  or camshaft
                         signed to enhance a compo-    precise  removal  of  small   were not superfinished,  compo-

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