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necessary to laboriously reset
the machine manually, over
and over again. This was con-
trary to a needs-based and flex-
ible production process. “Most
of all, it was increasingly un-
economical. Set-up times gen-
erally took twice or three times
as long as the machining times,”
explains Mäule. It was also dif-
ficult to achieve the required
accuracies in diameters and
Source: Fritz Studer AG long, thin shafts, as Schindelarz
cylindricity, especially with
remarks. As he says, this was
The swiveling wheelhead with two separate grinding spindles for straight and angular plunge only possible for experienced
experts who had been grind-
grinding ensures short non-productive times and an extensive complete machining capability of
motor and gear shafts. ing for many years. “These ex-
perts are currently retiring or
will do so in the coming years. The manag-
es, the manufacturer equips the and gear shafts, in particular, This means their know-how ers respon-
assembly tools with sensors for to an accuracy of just a few µm. will no longer be available to us. sible at Apex
torque measurement as well as This is essential to ensure the However, the training of young decided
digital data transmission via ca- extremely quiet running and talent is now focused on dif- to invest
ble or wireless (WLAN). As Niko long service life of our screw- ferent aspects than it was just in new
Schindelarz, Supervisor Machin- drivers,” adds Schindelarz. But a few years ago. Manual inter- for grinding
ing, explains, many manufactur- this was still very complex until ventions on machines are more because the
ers in the global industry consid- just a few months ago. Only one undesirable, and the emphasis changing
er Cleco assembly tools to be proven grinding machine, pur- is on programming and optimal technical
very high-quality, robust, dura- chased back in the early 1980s, parameterization of processes,” environment
ble, and reliable. A major contri- was available for cylindrical explains Schindelarz. results
bution to this, says Schindelarz, grinding. In order to grind in many
is certainly the extensive verti- the large number of 30 to 650 Generation transition additional
cal integration at Apex. The com- mm (1.18” to 25.6”) long shafts In this situation, the managers demands
pany produces almost all the es- with diameters between 3 and responsible at Apex decided to on ma-
sential screwdriver components 65 mm (0.118” and 2.56”), it was invest in new technology for chines and
in-house in Westhausen. This systems.
applies in particular to motor
and gear shafts, levers, valves,
cams, and housings.
Flexible for variants and
individual features
“Due to a large number of vari-
ants and the increasing demand
for individual features, we need
to produce components in small
series and even as individual
pieces at very short notice,” ex-
plains Johannes Mäule, Produc-
tion Engineer in Westhausen.
As he goes on to say, this applies Source: Fritz Studer AG
to all production steps and pro-
cesses, from turning, drilling,
and milling through to grinding. The Studer S31 universal cylindrical grinding machine impressed the production engineers at
Apex Tool Group with excellent working ergonomics, up-to-date programming, and user interface,
“We need to grind our motor as well as high flexibility, thanks to short set-up times.
November-December 2022 | 35