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disruption, thanks to revolutions With this, there is no need to this transformative mobility
like electrification, connectivity, build an actual prototype. Engi- and transportation experience?
autonomous driving, and carbon neers can predict what will hap- There is an urgent need to inno-
neutrality. It has prompted an all- pen and why it will happen with vate at an exponential rate to in-
new battle among manufacturers the help of physics-based mod- vent disruptive technologies and
who have no choice but to adapt eling and simulation tools. This get them to market faster than
to dodge obsolescence while they helps vehicle engineers make ever before. Simulation tools
are competing in the market. better decisions and make the offer a streamlined approach to
There are numerous factors that ‘first time right’ design, thus sav- designing and validating these
have driven the increase in R&D ing both time and cost. vehicles in a fast and reliable
spending in the mobility indus- way. It can allow the Automo-
try. In the commercial vehicle Next-generation simulation tive industry to achieve 1000x
space, more than half the R&D for future mobility faster innovation while improv-
spend is happening either on By 2030, EVs will secure approx- ing safety and performance.
emission compliance or hybrid imately 32 percent of the total To be competitive in the market,
and electrification (EV) trends. market share for new vehicle the future of mobility demands
In the last few years, original sales, and 45 percent of the vehi- much more advanced levels of
equipment manufacturers have cles sold will be highly automat- quality, reliability, and durability
spent heavily on ensuring BS-VI ed, according to experts. In the while being scalable and cost-ef-
compliance. Now, the bulk of the future, EVs and autonomous ve- fective. Engineering simulations
R&D investment is going toward hicles will bring many advantag- help engineers in their innova-
According to EV technology. es, such as lower emissions and tion journey, reduce the cost fac-
India’s share traffic reduction. However, there tor, and solve multiple design is-
in the global Simulation-driven product are major barriers that must be sues in the shortest possible time.
engineering development overcome before we get there.
and R&D Typical V-Cycle of development Engineers must deliver more
market is for vehicles comprises Require- complex vehicles while limiting Detailed Vehicle
projected Engineering using
to grow ment & Specifications, System & cost and maximizing safety and simulations
at a CAGR Subsystem Design, Component performance. Today’s vehicles Better and safer vehicles can be
of 12-13 Design & Optimization, Com- are highly multifaceted systems built using simulation-led design
percent to ponent Integration, and System that must meet regularly evolv- in different aspects of the vehi-
reach US$63 Verification & Validation. Tradi- ing safety and regulatory stan- cle. Integrated multi-domain and
billion by
2025, up tionally, engineering simulation dards set by regulatory bodies multiphysics simulations can be
from US$31 was used for component design and governments. used in multiple areas.
billion in and optimization. With the re- Thus, we are also in the middle In Vehicle Chassis: From the sus-
2019. cent advancements in simulation of the biggest technological pension to the steering for Chas-
technologies, simulation can be transformation that history has sis Structural, Passenger Safety,
used at all stages of the product ever seen, where there is the Painting, Brakes, Suspension &
development cycle. convergence of multiple tech- Steering, and Wheels/Tires.
For smart product development nologies and megatrends rev- In Vehicle Powertrain: From the
and testing, physics-based en- olutionizing the Automotive cylinder to the systems for the
gineering simulation is a must. industry. How will we deliver Internal Combustion Engines,
Transmission, Fuel Systems, Ex-
haust Systems with Emissions
Control, and Electric Powertrains.
In Vehicle Electricals: From an-
tennas to ADAS for Wiring and
Connectors, Infotainment, ADAS
Systems, Sensors, and Antennas.
In Vehicle Exterior: From the
cylinder to the system for Exter-
nal Aerodynamics, Aeroacous-
tics, Thermal Management, Wa-
Source: Ansys India ter Management, and Soiling and
Structural Integrity.
In Vehicle Interior: From the seat
32 | November-December 2022 Modern Manufacturing India