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to the sound for Climate Control/
HVAC, Cabin Acoustics, Crash
and Safety, and Ergonomics/
For Electric Vehicles, simulation
solutions allow rapid electric and
hybrid vehicle innovation at both
the component and system levels.
Key applications comprise batter-
ies and battery management sys-
tems, fuel cells, power electronics,
electric motors, and the integrated
electrified powertrain system.
Simulation capabilities are tai-
lored to the detailed engineer-
ing needs of vehicle technology
in Vehicle Engineering. These Source: Ansys India
solutions aid the simulation of
vehicle systems expansively Simulation
with fully integrated structural, simulate, and verify its behav- To conclude are bringing
crash, fluids, thermal, electro- ior and performance in the real The latest and greatest auto- next-gen
magnetics, electronics, semicon- world to find weaknesses, fail- motive electronics providing innovation
ductors, software, and system ure points, and limitations before enhanced safety, convenience, to vehicle
simulation tools. manufacturing. This increases and entertainment is what is design as
they can
Safety analysis and embedded the quality, safety, and durabili- being sought today. Automakers be used
software solutions are devel- ty of the physical product. If we will have to add these features right from
oped specifically to meet the re- follow the analogy of taking 30 without adding weight to vehi- the con-
quirements and standards of the linear steps between each design cles, which means that there is cept stage
automotive industry, such as cycle of the digital twin, we will a persistent push to make elec- of product
ISO 26262 and AUTOSAR, to only innovate in a linear manner tronic components and packag- up to the
ensure Safety Engineering. This and take much more time to op- es smaller while increasing per- testing and
enables engineers to meet indus- timize the product. We also run formance. What’s more, all this trial stage.
try-required safety standards at the danger of not testing and op- must be solved in record time to It helps re-
a dramatically lower cost and at timizing all the possible scenarios remain competitive in the mar- duce proto-
types during
twice the speed of more manual and boundary conditions. ket. Simulation cuts the expen- development
or traditional approaches. For developing electric and au- sive test-fail-fix-repeat cycle, as well as
When it comes to ADAS and tonomous vehicles, nearly 8 which fast-tracks product quali- the devel-
Autonomous Vehicles, back- billion miles of road testing and fication while plummeting man- opment cost
ing up the safety by design and safety engineering are required ufacturing risks. By integrating and time.
safety by validation approach, to ensure the delivery of safe, reliability physics/physics of
broad and deep capabilities are reliable, durable, and high-qual- failure (PoF) early in the product
provided for simulating auton- ity products at scale and a lower design and development cycle,
omous vehicles and advanced cost. So, linear innovation tech- simulation thus helps automak-
driver assistance systems. The nologies and processes cannot ers bring new technologies to
software can be leveraged for deliver the future of transporta- market faster.
high-fidelity, physics-based sen- tion and mobility. Compounding Thus, simulation solutions are
sor modeling in ISO 26262 and improvements between each de- bringing next-generation in-
AUTOSAR-compliant embed- sign and optimization cycle of the novation to vehicle design, as
ded software and human-ma- digital twin is critical. Leveraging they can be used right from the
chine interface development. the right digital transformation concept stage of product devel-
technologies and implementing opment up to the testing and
Role of digital twins in the optimal processes on the digi- trial stage. Simulation helps
Automotive Vehicle Design tal twin of a product or system to in the reduction of prototypes
Today, it is common for engineer- achieve exponential innovation during development as well as
ing teams to create a digital twin is critical to developing electric the development cost and time
of a product or system to design, and autonomous vehicles. for manufacturers.
November-December 2022 | 33