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Other  key  dignitaries  included
          Rashmi Urdhwareshe, President
          SAI, Co-Chair - Steering Commit-
          tee and Former Director, ARAI;
          Mahesh  Babu,  Patron  -  SIIMC
          2022 and CEO, Switch Mobili-
          ty; Damodaran  Subramanian,
          Member - Steering  Commit-
          tee,  Former  MD,  Safran  Engi-
          neering; and Munirathinam
          Dhananjayan, Chair - Organiz-
          ing Committee Founder & MD,
          Focus Engineering.

          EV adoption, the need of
          the hour
          India’s transportation sector
          accounts for 13 percent of total                                                       Source: MWM
          CO  emissions, and the demand
          is predicted to increase by 2.7   “We are working with more than 15 OEMs in India including Bajaj and
          times over the next 30 years,   others are underway and essentially variable to deploy on their scooters
                                        and vehicles or two wheelers and that’s basically the synchronization
          boosting  emissions.  “While  into the cloud. So we manage the cloud, the cyber security layer, and the   The confer-
                                                                                                    ence fea-
          transportation has been critical   vehicle software integration, making it basically idiot-proof for the OEM.”  tured over
          to India’s historical progress, it   (First from left): Shivalik Prasad, Vice President   180 pre-
          has been accompanied by var-  Strategic Alliances and Sales, Sibros                       sentations
          ious problems, the most signif-                                                           and 543
          icant of which is air pollution,”   as sodium-ion,  lithium-carbon,   Combining efforts   abstracts on
          says NITI Aayog’s Director -   solid-state,  and flow batteries   PV Clean Mobility Technologies   innovations
          Electric Mobility.  “We need to   would  ultimately begin  and   Pvt Ltd, a joint venture formed   aimed at
          decouple our economic growth   would be funded by the program   by Padmini VNA Mechatron-  boosting
          from expansion in the motor-  as well. He also asserted that the   ics and Vitesco Technologies,   sustain-
          ized transportation sector.”  onus is on the industry, and the   showcased its key products at   able and
          Singh also noted that the aver-  EV needs to  conform to  higher   the event, including Fuel Deliv-  mobility in
          age level of travel in India has   safety  standards  as  it impacts   ery Modules, Air Intake Valves,   India and
          climbed to 5,000 km per year, a   consumer sentiment.       Gasoline applications of Canis-  around the
          threefold  increase  since  2000.                           ter Purge Valves, Electric Cool-  world.
          “Vehicle ownership has also   In terms of charging infrastruc-  ant Water Pumps, and Coolant
          surged  fivefold  in  the  last  two   ture, he sees four major break-  Flow Control Valves - Linear/
          decades. On the freight side, it   throughs:                Rotary. “All of these solutions
          has resulted in a quadrupling in   •   Captive Charging Stations,   that we are offering to the Indi-
          truck ownership between the      which will be directly driven   an  market  are  already  ethanol
          years 2000 and 2019, or about    by usage.                  compatible,” said Drone Tewa-
          20 years.  As a  result, the  move   •   Public Charging Stations,   tia, Manager, Marketing & Busi-
          to EVs (Electric Vehicles) is un-  which will be the commercial   ness Development,  PV Clean
          avoidable,” he emphasized.       EV charging stations.      Mobility Technologies. “The
          The National Programme on Ad-  •   Battery  Swapping  Stations,   best part is that everything is
          vanced  Chemistry Cell  (NPACC)   where the battery is provided   already being manufactured
          and  PLI  scheme  seek  to en-   as a service, including every-  in  India. We are  now export-
          courage companies  to  establish   thing behind the meter, mo-  ing water pumps from India to
          a Giga-scale  of a minimum  5    bility, stationary storage, and   Germany  for  various  uses  and
          GWh battery storage manufac-     other storage-related things.  starting to sell them to Indian
          turing  in  India  over  a  five-year   •   E-Bus  Depot  Charging,   OEMs for battery and motor
          period. Currently, lithium-ion   where charging  is  done    cooling applications.”
          batteries  dominate,  but Singh   as  a service,  subscription   Shivalik Prasad, Vice President,
          disclosed  that the  development   models,  along  with  bayside   Strategic  Alliances  and  Sales,
          of alternative chemistries  such   amenity services.        Sibros,  a  participant  at

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