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P. 36

The pro-
           engineers in
           are now able                                                                                         Source: Fritz Studer AG
           to grind the
           entire range
           of shafts on   Totally happy with their optimal investment in highly flexible, universal production technology with the S31 (L-R): Cornelius Wecht, Sales Head,
           just one ma-  South Germany, Fritz Studer AG; Niko Schindelarz, Supervisor Machining, Apex Tool Group; and a Programmer and Machine Operator, Apex Tool Group.
           chine. The
           Studer S31
           cylindrical   grinding, as with other machin-  fully prepare the  requirement   Set  function  only available on
           grinding      ing processes. This was because   analysis  to obtain  approval for   Studer grinding machines makes
           machine is    the changing technical environ-  the  necessary  budget  from the   an essential contribution here.
           easily ac-    ment results in many additional   commercial  manager  in  the   Cornelius Wecht, responsible for
           cessible for   demands on machines and pro-  US  group.  “However,  we  were   Studer  sales  in  South  Germany,
           workpiece     duction  systems.  In  addition  to   able  to clearly demonstrate   reports: “Thanks  to Quick-Set,
           and grinding   high flexibility, these include,   on the basis  of the  operation-  the control stores the precise di-
           wheel set-    for example, options for auto-  al benefits that the  higher  ini-  mensions of all grinding wheels
           up, despite
           the complete   mated process monitoring and   tial  investment—in comparison   used  on the  grinding  machine.
           enclosure.    for transferring process and    to competitor  products—will   This  means  you can  also quick-
                         production data into a digi-  quickly  prove profitable,” agree   ly set up frequently  used and
                         tal  network—a smart factory.   Mäule  and  Schindelarz  togeth-  repeatedly  dressed  grinding
                         “Besides, we need the latest fu-  er. The production  engineers   wheels  and  use them  again  im-
                         ture-oriented technology in or-  in  Westhausen  are  now able  to   mediately. The control knows
                         der to be an attractive employer   grind  the  entire  range  of shafts   the  precise dimensions  after
                         and  inspire  much-needed  new   on  just  one  machine.  The  S31   mounting  the  grinding  wheel,
                         talent to come and work in our   cylindrical  grinding  machine  is   and  there  is  no requirement
                         company,” adds Schindelarz. Af-  easily  accessible  for the  work-  for re-measuring  or  even  dress-
                         ter comprehensive comparisons   piece and grinding wheel set-up,   ing  the  machine.” The  grinders
                         of different machine concepts,   despite  the  complete  enclosure.   in Westhausen consider  the
                         he and Mäule decided to invest   Agreeing  with  the  machine  op-  ability  to dress  profile grinding
                         in a Studer S31 universal cylin-  erators,  Schindelarz  praises  the   wheels  directly on the  cylindri-
                         drical grinding machine.      excellent  working  ergonomics   cal  grinding  machine  as  anoth-
                                                       in  particular. The  production   er advantage.  The  StuderDress
                         Highly flexible thanks to     engineers in Westhausen benefit   software  provides  the  corre-
                         short set-up times            from much shorter set-up times   sponding cycles. With these cy-
                         As Schindelarz  explains,  first   in comparison to previous grind-  cles,  only the  required geome-
                         of all, it was  necessary  to care-  ing machines. The special Quick-  tries are rotary dressed onto the

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