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mid-management of a mid-sized
                                        company or business owner in
                                        an SME, such as retraining, ma-
                                        chine damages, tool breakages,
                                        inter-labor issues, etc.”
                                        In addition, he claims that with
                                        the given working capital issue,
                                        the MSMEs’ largest cash outflow
                                      Source: Ace Robotics Pvt Ltd  labor costs. “If a business owner   Source: Ace Robotics Pvt Ltd
                                        after raw materials is salary or
                                        can invest in a robot, he will be
                                        removing all the labor-related

                                        ly with an ROI of less than 24
          “With the given working capital   firefighting that happens dai-  “In India, currently, all machine-
          issue faced by the MSMEs, their   months,” he believes. “This is a   tending robots available are MNC
          major cash outflow after raw                                robots that are bought and
          materials is salary or labor costs.   great advantage for an MSME   installed as a solution by Indian
          If a business owner can invest in   owner to focus further on get-  robotics system and automation   ARPL’s
          a robot, he will be removing all   ting new business rather than   integrators, which means that the   robots
          the labor-related firefighting                              cost of said solution is controlled
          jobs daily, with an ROI of less   on daily problems for executing   by the MNC robotics companies.   have been
          than 24 months. That is a great   the existing business.”   We are breaking that          specifically
          advantage for an MSME owner   On offering custom-made auto-  phenomenon and cartel by     designed
          to focus further on getting new                             providing our very own Indian   to meet the
          business rather than on daily   mation solutions to MSMEs in   indigenously designed, developed,
          problems for executing the    India, Surana explains, “Our ro-  manufactured, and installed   needs of
          existing business.”           bots have been specifically de-  robotics solution for nearly half   Indian MSME
          Abilash Chakravarthy          signed to meet the needs of In-  the price of competitors.”  pick-and-
          Managing Director             dian MSME pick and place jobs   Aashish Surana              place jobs
          Ace Robotics Pvt Ltd                                        CEO                           like machine
                                        like machine tending operations   Ace Robotics Pvt Ltd      tending
                                        of a CNC, VMC,  gear hobbing, or                            operations
                                        any other machine operations                                on a CNC,
          digenously designed, developed,   that have mundane, repetitive   privileged commodity or solu-  VMC, gear
          manufactured, and installed ro-  pick and place jobs today being   tion for the large companies of   hobbing, or
          botics  solution  for  nearly  half   done by a human operator.”  the country, while the problem   any other
          the price of competitors,” shares   Citing that in the Indian Ma-  of a reliable, affordable solution   machine
          Aashish Surana, CEO, ARPL.    chine Tool industry, more than   has been ignored by all. “Break-  operations
          “So, we are pleased to have in-  30 percent of MSMEs do small-  ing this,” argues Chakravarthy,   that have
          ternational competition raising   er parts that are less in size and   “our company Ace Robotics is   mundane,
          awareness about the robotics   weight, he elaborates, “For these   India’s first industrial robotics   repetitive
                                                                                                    jobs being
          industry since we have such   purposes, if we install a bigger   manufacturing  company  that   done by
          a  large  machine  tool  industry   robot, it is a waste of space and   has successfully done multiple   a human
          market that no single company   money for the MSME owner.   indigenous designs, develop-  operator.
          can serve,” he adds.          Instead, we have designed and   ment,  manufacturing,  and  im-
                                        structured the outer arm dimen-  plementation of machine-tend-
          Helping MSMEs find            sion to be the same as that of a   ed pick and place robot i+ for
          solutions                     human hand for lower space    Indian MSME companies.”
          “Today, the biggest nightmare   consumption  and  easy  entry   As Industry 4.0 becomes a basic
          for an MSME is daily labor prob-  and exit of the machine, which   need for any standard manufac-
          lems,” points out Chakravar-  can easily replace the salary ex-  turing facility around the world,
          thy. “Whether it is permanent   penses currently being spent by   he believes that automation, and
          enrollment  of blue-collar em-  the business owner.”        robotics will be the go-to solu-
          ployees or contract labor, there                            tions for ensuring efficient, time-
          are issues such as frequent at-  Indigenous product         ly, and quality production in such
          trition, indiscipline, improper   development               a time- and price-sensitive indus-
          work ethics, uninformed leaves,   For decades now, India as a   try. With global barriers higher
          mobile utilization during work,   country has been dependent on   than ever, he adds that imported
          and other unethical practices   MNC robots for any automation   solutions and repair work are be-
          leading to firefighting for the   processes, which makes them a   coming a major difficulty for all,

                                                                                      November-December 2022 |  29

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