Page 43 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 43

tal can substantially and signifi-
                                                                      cantly enhance  the  experience.
                                                                      This has to be architected by our
                                                                      people and the starting point is
                                                                      to imagine  the  opportunities
                                                                      through the lens of digital tech-
                                                                      nologies. To enable each employ-
                                                                      ee in our organization to do this,
                                                                      it is imperative that they have a
                                                                      foundational knowledge  of the
                                                                      various digital technologies. We
                                      Source: ELGi Equipments      Source: ELGi Equipments  are  committed conversant with
                                                                                   to ensuring all
                                                                      of our employees
                                                                      proficient and
          “Now more than ever, the need   “We recognize that emerging  digital technologies as we adapt
                                                                      to the future.”
          for each citizen to get equipped   digital technologies will be central
          with  the  skills  of  emerging  pillars  in  providing  the  best  Kirti  Seth,  CEO,  SSC  NASSCOM,
          technologies is of paramount  experience at each stakeholder  said,  “Now more  than  ever,
          importance to leverage the waves   touchpoint. Hence, it is imperative   the  need  for each  citizen  to
          of opportunity rising through this   that all of our employees have a
          digital transformation we are  foundational knowledge of the  get equipped  with  the  skills  of  Through
          going through.”               various digital technologies to  emerging technologies  is  of par-  FutureSkills
                                        enhance that experience.”                                   Prime, the
          Kirti Seth                                                  amount importance  to leverage  Government
          CEO                           Dr Jairam Varadaraj           the  waves  of opportunity rising
          SSC NASSCOM                   Managing Director                                           and indus-
                                        ELGi Equipments Ltd           through  this  digital transfor-  try aim to
                                                                      mation  we  are  going through. It  reskill/up-
                                                                      is  also important for each  indi-  skill a total
                                                                                                    of about 1.4
                                                                      vidual to speak  the  language  of
                                                                                                    million em-
          with  emerging  technologies  Intent behind the             ‘digital’ and stay in tune with the   ployees over
          such  as  Artificial Intelligence,  endeavor                world  that is  changing rapidly  a period of
          Cloud  Computing,  Cybersecu-  Sharing his views on the collab-  around us.”              5 years. It
          rity, Big Data Analytics, Robotic   oration,  Dr Jairam  Varadaraj,  “FutureSkills  Prime  has  the  is one of the
          Process Automation, and more.   Managing Director,  ELGi  Equip-  vision  of making individuals
                                                                                                    schemes un-
          FutureSkills Prime is one of the   ments  Ltd,  said,  “Our purpose  is  from  across  sectors  and  across
                                                                                                    der the Gov-
          lighthouse  schemes  under the  to provide  the  best experience  job roles  digitally fluent. We  ernment’s
          Government’s  Trillion  Dollar  at each  stakeholder touchpoint.  are  proud  that our voice  has  Trillion
          Digital Economy initiative.   In our journey towards this pur-  been  recognized  by industries  Dollar Digi-
                                                                                                    tal Economy
          The  registered  candidates  can  pose,  we  recognize  that emerg-  across sectors. The fact that ELGi
          develop  core  proficient skills,  ing digital technologies  will be  Equipments,  a  leading compres-
          take  aptitude  diagnostics  tests,  central pillars in providing such   sor manufacturing company,  is
          acquire  SSC  NASSCOM certifi-  an experience.”             going to leverage  FutureSkills
          cations  and  scholarships,  and  He further added, “Be it custom-  Prime  to build  the  digital quo-
          become more digitally fluent.  ers, employees or investors, digi-  tient of their employees,  is  a
                                                                      strong signal of how this  need
                                                                      cuts across all industries and do-
                                                                      mains,” she opined.
                                                                      “I  wish  ELGi’s  employees  an  ex-
                                                                      citing learning journey to not
                                                                      just build  on  their technological
                                                                      foundations  but unleash  a  fresh
                                                                      burst of creativity. This  digi-
                                                                      tally-ready workforce  will be
          Source: Magic Wand Media                                    growth  of their company but
                                                                         key to not just exponential
                                                                                   to India’s
                                                                      also contribute
                                                                      of creating a trillion-dollar digital
                                                                      economy,” she added further.

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