Page 45 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
P. 45
Kumar says the company has design, simulation, and rendering
come a long way and he can look software to develop the look and
back with some degree of sat- mechanical design of our prod-
isfaction as it rose from a turn- ucts,” informs Kumar.
over of `1.5 crore in the first year For the automation and control
to around `200 crore in the last elements of the company’s prod-
financial year. ucts, it uses a digital twin. To crash
He explains that Addverb pro- project delivery timelines, it fol-
vides robotic automation for lows the practice of simulation
warehouses and fulfillment of and virtual commissioning, which
operations. The company’s end- helps it to anticipate and identify
to-end product portfolio helps issues in projects before the physi-
in the complete automation cal installation takes place.
of warehouse processes. “Our Addverb uses artificial intelli-
products and services merge the gence and machine language
information technology and op- Source: Addverb Technologies in its software for solving task
erational technology and help us scheduling and order prioriti-
deliver innovative automation zation for customers in ware-
solutions that help businesses “Our ability to combine traditional houses. Many of its offerings like
increase the throughput and ac- or fixed and flexible automation is WMS and WCS are cloud-based,
a unique feature, which, coupled
curacy of their operations and which is a first in the industry.
with our in-house state-of-the-art
make the fulfillment operations manufacturing capabilities, gives
highly reliable,” he states. us the flexibility to provide inno- Funding based on trust
vative solutions.”
Since the startup designs, devel- More often than not, startups
ops, and deploys its products, it is Sangeet Kumar are prone to running into finan- The company
CEO has come
easier to incorporate any change Addverb Technologies cial crises, but Addverb has had a long way
as per the needs of the custom- a smooth journey. "When we from a turn-
er, thus giving the customer the decided to exit Asian Paints and over of `1.5
flexibility to incorporate chang- Rapido (pick-to-light) and Khushi start Addverb, the first person crore in the
first year to
es during the project implemen- (pick-by-voice), he shares. we informed was Jalaj Dani, one
around `200
tation as well. “Our products of the promoters of Asian Paints. crore in the
and services can be categorized Leveraging technologies He was also the President of last financial
as robotics, ASRS, and software, The automation expert uses a Asian Paints' supply chain, HR year.
which cover the entire range of number of technologies to build and international business at that
automation,” he informs. These products that help improve the time. He assured us of full sup-
products and services help busi- performance and accuracy of port whenever we felt the need.
nesses to automate processes warehouse and factory oper- He also invested US$11 million
such as in-warding, put-away, ations. Its products can be vi- in Addverb over a period of two
order picking, material move- sualized as electro-mechanical years,” shares Kumar.
ment, order consolidation, sort- devices controlled by intelligent As all of them belonged to the
ing and packing. software. As such, its products same culture at Asian Paints and
Addverb’s software helps in have elements of both hardware had worked with him for 12 long
controlling different automat- and software, and the company years, there was a certain level of
ed equipment and in executing has a multi-disciplinary engi- trust. Dani knew their plans and
warehouse processes through neering team to cater to these re- believed in them. He was not only
automation. Its product line quirements; it has more than 450 an investor, but also a mentor.
includes robots such as Dyna- engineers, out of whom around “Both the investments that we
mo (autonomous mobile robot), 20 percent are dedicated to R&D. have raised so far have primarily
Zippy (sorting robot), Quadron "We use different technologies come from Jalaj Dani. GAIL also
(carton shuttle robot), Multi-Pro for different products, and also invested in us under its initiative,
(ASRS), Cruiser (pallet shuttle use technology extensively in Pankh, which was launched un-
robot), intelligent software like our internal processes. This gives der Startup India,” he adds.
Mobinity (warehouse control us a competitive advantage. For The investment in terms of time
system), Optimus (warehouse instance, we use industry-lead- and R&D came from their experi-
management system), and ing PLM software to deliver our ence working with Asian Paints.
semi-automated systems like products. We leverage complex “I would like to point out here November-December 2021 | 45