Page 25 - MMI- Nov-Dec-2021
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have remote, hands-free access
to technical and expert infor-
mation when on site. This has
reduced the average length of
Thyssenkrupp’s service calls by
up to four times.
Also out in the field, GE Re-
newable Energy has a video
on YouTube showing a worker
completing wiring insertions
for a wind turbine. The video
compares the worker using pa-
per instructions versus an AR
headset. The technician sees
an immediate 34.5 percent pro- Once in
ductivity improvement. place, AR
Back in manufacturing plants, and VR can
the equipment, machinery, and speed the
components, all being used to onboarding
manufacture products, can also of new
get a helping hand from aug- work-
mented reality. Important main- ers and
tenance procedures can be made improve
much easier and more accurate, worker
which means the status of equip- productivi-
ment can also be assessed in ty by offer-
far shorter timeframes, saving a ing a more
significant cost. immersive,
The monitoring of incoming on-the-job
component parts and outgoing training.
products has traditionally been Glasses
done by means of drawings or that project
simple checklists, which re- video,
quire time and effort to com- graphics
pile. But with the new AR ap- and text
plications, preset CAD models can visu-
ally guide
Source: Magic Wand Media a real-time video image. When a worker
can be accurately overlaid onto
over a
physical com-
of the
with the plan or CAD data and or main-
start mixing the actual delivery “Newport News Shipbuilding any discrepancies can be recog- tasks.
of tasks directly with the train- reports a 96 percent saving in nized instantly.
ing, which ultimately makes time on its inspections since it In addition to the pure geom-
the equipment easier to learn has started incorporating AR etry of the part or assembly,
and use. into the process.” the inspector can also have all
Other examples include other necessary information
Ongoing maintenance, Thyssenkrupp, the elevator on the device, such as ISO stan-
error detection and manufacturer who provides dards, core data, metadata etc.,
quality assurance technicians with HoloLens so no other medium is needed
Training and operational usage technology as a tool in service for the inspection process. This
of AR and VR is the opportuni- operations. Using HoloLens, all makes it possible to carry
ty to use it for ongoing main- service technicians can visual- out incoming goods inspections
tenance and error detection. ize and identify problems with more quickly and easily than
Mark Sage from AREA said, elevators ahead of a job, and ever before. November-December 2021 | 25