Page 43 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 43


                      REACHING FOR THE SKY

                      Space data company Pixxel is a result of a strong desire to explore what’s
                      beyond our planet. The founders shared love for space and space technology
                      has shaped many an innovation that aims at bringing a lasting impact in areas
                      like agriculture and pollution monitoring.

                                                                                               Source: Pixxel

                      T  he idea as unique as              pod competition in 2017, they       help tackle problems in agricul-
                         founding a space data             built a hyperloop pod proto-        ture, predict yields and track
                         company can only                  type, took it to the SpaceX HQ      the spread of certain crop pests
                                                           in LA and presented it to Elon      and diseases, detect illegal min-
                      emerge out of a deep passion for     Musk. “After the competition        ing, predict, and monitor nat-
                                                           ended, we were looking at oth-      ural disasters and forest fires
                      the subject and a desire to further  er challenges to solve and doing    among other pressing problems.
                                                           something in space and decided
                      delve into it. “Both of us have al-  to take a shot at IBM Watson AI     Invention out of necessity
                                                           XPRIZE,” he shares.                 The satellite imagery of the
                      ways been interested in space        Their goal was to build space       earth that was freely available
                                                           technology with AI tools that       for analysis in most cases was
                      and have grown up listening to       could be used to bring about a      years old. That was important
                                                           lasting impact in areas like agri-  because the team could not fix
                      and reading about the heroics of     culture and pollution monitor-      what it could not see. “To vali-
                                                           ing. They started with building     date whether this was an ac-
                      ISRO in the early 2000s,” confirms   AI models that could take in        tual problem faced by people
                                                           terabytes of satellite imagery      worldwide, we reached out to
POONAM PEDNEKAR       Kshitij Khandelwal, Co-Founder       and extract actionable insights     many companies in Europe and
Chief Copy Editor                                          and patterns from that data to      the US that analyzed satellite
Magic Wand Media Inc  & CTO, Pixxel, referring to his
poonam.pednekar@     Co-Founder Awais Ahmed.

                      The duo met at BITS (Birla Insti-

                      tute of Technology and Science)

                      Pilani and soon after worked to-

                      gether as part of the Hyperloop

                      India team where Ahmed was a

                      founding team member. As a fi-

                      nalist of the SpaceX Hyperloop                                                                              | 43May-June 2021
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