Page 39 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 39
led to substantial intrigue in the Source: Mikronix Gauges Pvt Ltd Innovation pays off
market as well as among other The company’s products in-
makers. They had several doubts. “Gauge manufacturing set-up cluding carbide air gauges and Although
However, we were clear that needs the culture of self-discip- multi gauging solutions are the MSMEs
the gauges will help customers line, quality and the highest level most preferred in the industry contribute
increase gauge life by 10 times of integrity. It is our company cul- because of their ease of use and the biggest
on an average and, more impor- ture that helps us produce gauges features. Hanchanal explains, chunk in
tantly, reduce their calibration reliably and consistently, day in “Special Carbide helped us es- terms of
frequency and calibration work and day out, year after year. Our tablish first in Go/Nogo limit employment
load,” shares Hanchanal. experienced team members make gauges. Now our people on the and exports,
The company persisted with its it easy to continue to raise the shop floor have become experts they remain
development from special car- bars of excellence and quality in processing carbide.” the most
bide grade procurement. “We high each time.” “Gauge manufacturing set-up vulnerable
strongly believed that the de- needs the culture of self-disci- because of
velopment was in the interest Abhay Hanchanal pline, quality and the highest their size
of the customer and continu- Managing Director level of integrity. It’s our com- and the daily
ously took efforts to educate Mikronix Gauges Pvt Ltd pany culture that helps us pro- challenges
them to remove their fear of duce the gauges reliably and an entrepre-
carbide breaking etc.,” he adds. items like manufacturing dial snap consistently, day in and day neur faces,
It took MGPL around five to gauges and comparators of a few out, year after year. Our expe- particularly
seven years till each of its cus- types. This helped it build a design rienced team members make in their ear-
tomers used carbide gauges at team and other process manufac- it easy to continue to raise the ly years.
least once. “Then there was no turing capabilities. “We looked for bars of excellence and quality
looking back. Those who tested areas to enter our strong carbide high each time,” he adds.
the benefits of carbide never base, which gave us an added This culture has helped MGPL
went back to steel gauges. This, advantage. In and around 2000, come up with innovative solu-
in future, also helped us to de- many of our customers asked us tions consistently. The latest in-
velop Carbide Air Gauges, and to produce air gauges in carbide. clude measuring solutions with
the market then did not wait We listened to them, and, today a faster rate of inspection, auto-
to welcome this product,” he we have established ourselves as a mation along with integrating
shares with evident pride. leading player in carbide air gaug- marking, tracing at early and
es following the success of Carbide later stages of making particu-
Small steps Limit Gauges," he reveals. lar components etc.
Since 2001, MGPL has been MGPL continued to have a “The customers know our gauges
phenomenally successful in separate team for R&D and im- by the returns they offer in the
the fields of Air Gauging, Elec- provements and built single pa- context of their life and running
tronic Gauging, Multi Gauging, rameter and multi parameters costs. Hence, they say ‘MGPL
Auto Gauging etc. “The need inspection solutions. gauges work for ages’,” he quips.
to expand our product basket
was felt in the early 2000s. We Revenue generators
started with Go/Nogo Gauges. MGPL has been serving a wide
We can proudly say we can range of sectors including Au-
benchmark this range of our tomobile, Auto Components,
products with the best in the Pump & Motors, Textile/Ma-
world,” remarks Hanchanal. chines makers, Defence, Auto-
The company started small by mation Service Providers etc.
starting with a few off-the-shelf Its major chunk of business,
however, comes from the Auto-
Source: Mikronix Gauges Pvt Ltd mobile-based industries.
Source: Mikronix Gauges Pvt Ltd And then there are always chal-
lenges on the way that hamper
the progress. The biggest being
the competition with other do-
mestic players in terms of prod-
uct efficiency and cost-effective-
ness. “There is a saying: There is | 39May-June 2021