Page 47 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 47

important contribution to imple-                                                Source: EPLAN India  EPLAN-PSG collab
ment current trends such as dig-                                                                     PSG, in Coimbatore, is one
itization and Industry 4.0. It’s yet         “Our tool EPLAN has become                              among the foremost of insti-       Devel-
another reason why it’s worth-               an industry practice, which                             tutes of national importance in    oped for
while for upcoming engineers                 has become critical for the                             higher technological education,    schools and
to become familiar with EPLAN                students to learn. We know                              engineering, basic and applied     colleges,
before starting career in electrical         what the industry is looking                            research. The college has estab-   EPLAN
engineering,” he informs.                    forward to and we work with                             lished 48 Centers of Excellence    Education
                                             the institutions to incorporate                         in the campus in association       is a training
EPLAN Education                              that in the curriculum.”                                with various leading industries.   concept that
Developed for schools and                                                                            EPLAN works closely with           includes
colleges, EPLAN Education is                 Umesh Pai                                               its department of Robotics         software
a training concept that in-                  Managing Director                                       & Automation.                      solutions for
cludes software solutions for                EPLAN India                                             The program trains students on     electrical,
electrical, fluid power, instru-                                                                     how to program and operate the     fluid power,
mentation, control and auto-                 sample exam questions, in-                              latest robotic automation. The     instru-
mation (ICA), and control cabi-              cluding answers. Students and                           students work on EPLAN to de-      mentation,
net engineering.                             trainees using the EPLAN pro-                           sign the automation schemes.       control and
“EPLAN Education gives pro-                  gram receive a free download                            These programs significantly       automation
spective engineers, schools and              license for the duration of their                       enhance student learning and       (ICA), and
universities access to our EPLAN             training. The license’s dura-                           provide them training for re-      control
software solutions. Lesson plans,            tion has just been increased to                         al-world applications with re-     cabinet en-
exercises, and written exams                 three years and can also be                             al-world industrial robots. “As    gineering.
supplement the training concept,             used at home for assignments,                           more companies are incorporat-
which is now being used at more              tutorials and term papers.                              ing automation & robotics into
than a thousand institutions                 Integrated machine and plant                            their operations, the demand
worldwide as a training tool. You            design ideally prepares stu-                            for high-paying careers related
can close the gap between theo-              dents for starting their engi-                          to design and program of auto-
ry and practice and secure your              neering careers.                                        mation & industrial robots is in-
progress through knowledge,”                                                                         creasing,” Pai points out.
Pai explains.                                                                                        The coming together of EPLAN
EPLAN Education includes a                                                                           and PSG will only pave way for
range of functions in a wide                                                                         the industry to join hands with
variety of disciplines and in-                                                                       the academia to help it under-
tegrated data. Instructors can                                                                       stand its requirements and
refer to structured lesson plans,                                                                    open up avenues for students in
relevant practical assignments,                                                                      their pursuit of becoming engi-
handouts for students and                                                                            neers of tomorrow.	

Source: Magic Wand Media

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