Page 42 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 42
To attain the ness Review, 80 percent of global Advanced visualization hancement tools to improve ef-
true value workers have no desk and much Amid a landscape of increasingly ficiency throughout its complex
potential of of their work is mobile. These autonomous operations, the con- petrochemical value chain. To-
any digital first-line workforces are the new nected worker will interact with gether, we have created a set of
transfor- focus of digital transformation. the Digital Twin of an asset, us- multi-dimensional digital trans-
mation Empowering these connected ing advanced visualization tools formation capabilities that can
program, workers is imperative if compa- and work-task enablers to guide bring benefits to the whole sector.
companies nies are to help drive operational activities, ensuring efficiency
must give improvements in productivity, and consistency. Unprecedented data,
genuine safety and collaboration as busi- AVEVA’s Digital Twin solution connected assets
focus to the nesses become more automated. provides data discovery and nav- Industrial IOT has created the
needs of AI will also have a critical role to igation through an intuitive web- opportunity to access unprec-
human staff play in monitoring and improv- based user interface with built edented amounts of data from
behind the ing remote working, team work- in 1D, 2D and 3D visualization. connected assets. With improve-
‘working ing, decision-making, well-being The technology, which leverag- ments in connectivity and data
asset’. and job satisfaction for workers. es Microsoft cloud services and security, historical barriers are
By carefully mapping personnel Microsoft Azure’s infrastructure, being lowered and the advan-
needs, companies can cultivate data and AI services, provides tages of cloud deployments are
an engaged workforce that works in-depth asset information that being realized.
in harmony with the firm’s digital greatly enhances decision-mak- In a rapidly digitalizing world,
infrastructure and goals. ing. It allows anyone across the companies will need to drive
business to view data about the high levels of agility and respon-
Digital Twins for asset in the context of the phys- siveness across value chains to
dynamic conditions ical asset itself and its connectiv- minimize value leaks, optimize
As companies begin to turn to AI ity in the plant. production and maximize profit
across every operational task and The Digital Twin must interact ef- opportunities. But it is the visu-
process, organizations will require fectively with workers, especially al and human aspects of AI that
additional capabilities for infer- field workers. AVEVA customers will drive the real industrial soft-
ence, prediction, guidance and consistently show significant ware revolution.
adaptation to dynamic conditions. improvements in training accel- With Microsoft's end-to-end
Today, these capabilities are com- eration, skills development, and solutions in the cloud, and AVE-
bining to create a ‘Digital Twin’ operations safety management. VA's deep industry expertise,
for the company. The technology In one exciting example, AVEVA the Digital Twin and connected
maps the comprehensive physi- is working with Thai petrochem- workers will accelerate time-to-
cal and behavioral attributes of icals giant SCG to unify its data value, and allow the significant
all assets to simulate, evaluate, into a holistic Digital Reliability benefits of Cloud and AI to be-
predict and prescribe. Platform, using workforce en- come a reality.
Source: Magic Wand Media
42 | May-June 2021 Modern Manufacturing India