Page 41 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 41
Source: Magic Wand Media
As industrial operations become increasingly autonomous, ‘connected workers’
are vital for digital business success.
KIM CUSTEAU B usiness drivers have projects for viability, ROI and to And finally, in an environment
Vice President evolved dramatically reduce total installed cost. Con- of heightened unpredictabil-
APM Business over the first year of the sequently, operators must re- ity, companies will need to
AVEVA coronavirus pandemic. With visit traditional work processes drive high levels of agility and
heightened volatility on both the and information exchange to responsiveness across value
supply and demand side, energy enable an entirely new modus chains to minimize value leaks,
companies are more focused than operandi of engineering. optimize production and maxi-
ever on leveraging Cloud, Internet With remote teams requiring mize profit opportunities.
of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelli- better context and deeper data
gence (AI) and analytics to drive access to supervise operations, Rise of the
real-time flexibility, efficiency, collaborate and make decisions, Connected Worker
availability and sustainability. there is a heightened need for The ‘connected worker’ rep-
But it’s not only technology that better visualization and con- resents digital transformation
will herald a new frontier in in- textual analysis of operating in- through the eyes of the employ-
dustrial productivity. Just as im- formation across the enterprise. ee. To attain the true value po-
portant is the growing level of As operations start to become tential of any digital transforma-
human interaction with connect- increasingly autonomous, en- tion program, companies must
ed AI and data-driven software. suring the reliability and safe give genuine focus to the needs
operation of critical assets of human staff behind the ‘work-
Four new key with minimal supervision ing asset’.
business drivers becomes vital. Personnel on Over the next decade, AI could
Post-pandemic, four key areas the shop floor and in the field contribute up to $15.7 trillion to
have emerged as business imper- will increasingly require work- the global economy, but it is con-
atives for the new normal. task enablers and aids, as nected workers that will be the
As capital investments shrink, deep operating expertise be- real agents of change in this sce-
companies need to re-evaluate comes scarce. nario. According to Harvard Busi- | 41May-June 2021