Page 46 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 46
Source: Magic Wand Media
Umesh Pai, Managing Director, EPLAN India, offers an insight into the company’s
endeavor to bridge the ever-growing gap between the industry and the academia...
SOVAN TUDU P art of the owner-operat- the company’s pursuit to beef tools so that they help them in
Sub-Editor ed Friedhelm Loh Group, this bond, “EPLAN is closely their research.
Magic Wand Media Inc EPLAN provides soft- associated with academic in-
Sovan.tudu@ ware and service solutions in the stitutions with twin end goals. Getting students fields of electrical, automation First is to bridge the gap be- industry-ready
and mechatronic engineering. tween the industry and the EPLAN’s aim behind the reach-
The company develops one of the academia. That the engineers ing out to the academia is to help
world’s leading design software coming out of academic insti- it become abreast with the latest
solutions for machine and panel tutions need additional train- requirements of the industry.
builders. EPLAN is also being ac- ing for them to be ready to “Our tool EPLAN has become
knowledged as the ideal partner serve the industry has been an industry practice, which has
to streamline challenging engi- one of the major concerns of become critical for the students
neering processes. the industry.” to learn. We know what the in-
The company, however, ac- dustry is looking forward to and
Working together knowledges that academic in- we work with the institutions to
EPLAN is committed to devel- stitutions work under the con- incorporate that in the curricu-
oping specialist engineering straint of imparting fundamental lum,” adds Pai.
knowledge right from the start. skills needed by the industry as EPLAN is used where Electrical
Its belief that the industry must well as keeping abreast with Engineering expertise is in de-
closely work in tandem with the latest trends. “Hence, it’s our mand, ranging from the Energy,
academic institutions is based endeavor to be that link which Automotive, Machine Building
on the great rewards that have connects the industry and the through to Process industries.
been reaped through such academia,” he emphasizes. “EPLAN is used wherever inte-
fruitful collaboration. The second goal, he reveals, is grated processes from engineer-
Umesh Pai, Managing Direc- assisting research students in ing to manufacturing are in de-
tor, EPLAN India, elaborates on their work by providing our mand. We are, hereby, making an
46 | May-June 2021 Modern Manufacturing India