Page 36 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 36

Quaker                                                                                  Source: Quaker Chemical India Ltd
aims to         repair and maintenance cost can   He further informs that the           Speaking further he says, “Be-
be carbon       help in lowering the TCO. We      company has been executing            tween NHE and Grindaix, we
neutral in its  follow a similar approach while   its strategy in blocks of three       now have significant engineer-
global op-      developing our solutions and      years which has helped it to          ing, design, fabrication and
erations by     proposition for our customers     grow ahead of the market in           cloud-based IT capabilities em-
2030. It is     through the supply of our val-    the last six years and looks for-     bedded inside the global com-
committed       ue-added products and services.”  ward to leverage this further.        mercial organization. Working
to achieve                                                                              together, our two companies
net zero        Mapping the future                Joint venture                         will be able to provide signif-
emissions       Speaking about India’s stra-      Quaker Houghton has entered           icant benefits and improved
across the      tegic importance, Tridib says     into an exclusive joint venture       process applications to our cus-
entire value    that with India poised to be-     with Grindaix GmbH, a Ger-            tomers around the world.”
chain by        come a $5 trillion economy        man-based, high-tech provider
2050.           in the near future, the com-      of coolant control and deliv-         Safeguarding environment
                pany plans to leverage on the     ery systems. Tridib sees the          Quaker Houghton aims to be
                increased purchasing power of     partnership as a strategic fitSource: Quaker Chemical India Ltdcarbon neutral in its global op-
                the burgeoning middle-class       for the company’s business,           erations by 2030. It is commit-
                population. The company is        bringing broad application po-        ted to achieve net zero emis-
                looking for market penetration    tential across the entire portfo-     sions across the entire value
                and market development strat-     lio. The investment adds high         chain by 2050. This it hopes to
                egy and aims to achieve this by   value to the firm’s equipment         do through energy efficiency
                increasing the depth                                                    and conservation measures,
                and width of its distri-                       solutions and fluid      purchasing green power and
                bution from existing                           intelligence offerings.  energy attribute certificates (for
                customers and grow-                            The technical ad-        example, renewable energy cer-
                ing its customer base.                         vantage gained also      tificates) and neutralize residu-
                Quaker Houghton                                support customer’s       al emissions using high-quality
                aims to do this by fol-                        movement towards         carbon offsets. This, it believes,
                lowing its core values                         Industry 4.0 and au-     will result in a better and safer
                — Live Safe, Drive Re-                         tomation and comple-     world and make a positive dif-
                sults and Exceed Cus-                          ments its recent acqui-  ference in the lives and organi-
                tomer Expectations.                            sition of Norman Hay     zations it touches.	
                                                               Engineering (NHE).

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