Page 35 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 35
company’s revenue spinning Source: Quaker Chemical India Ltd ating at a capacity of 12,000 met-
business in India. “Our metals ric tonne and the company plans
business unit which caters to “Following the combination, to increase this to 20,000 metric The compa-
the needs of steel and alumi- Quaker Houghton has a bigger tonne in the second phase. ny man-
num customers has been a sig- basket of products, making it a ufactures
nificant contributor to our busi- one-stop window for customers Robust presence world-class
ness. The merger of Quaker and seeking process and production Quaker Houghton India closely products
Houghton has been a shot in the fluids. Its offering of TCO (Total works with major steel manufac- for machine
arm for our metalworking busi- Cost of Ownership) accrues turing units in India, Bangladesh tool builders
ness. We now have a market value to its operations.” and Nepal. It has leading trans- besides
presence in a wide gamut of seg- portation OEMs as its customers offering
ments such as heat treatment, Tridib Majumder and has also established its pres- fluid care
forging, die casting, aerospace, Managing Director ence in the aerospace segment. and fluid
and so on. Moreover, it is also Quaker Houghton India The company manufactures management
helping us to consolidate our world-class products for machine services for
position in traditional segments is built with unique features in tool builders and have maximum its custom-
such as transportation, industri- its design such as high efficien- approvals and recommendations ers.
al and tube and pipe.” cy induction motors to reduce from them, besides offering fluid
energy consumption, a water care and fluid management ser-
Expanding horizons and condensation recovery sys- vices for its customers.
The company expanded its tem and waste water treatment Following the combination,
presence with a state-of-the- technology for meeting environ- Quaker Houghton has a bigger
art manufacturing plant close mental goals. Presently, it is oper- basket of products, making it a
to Dahej port in Gujarat in 2019 one-stop window for customers
for producing rolling oils and seeking process and production
metalworking fluids for steel fluids. Its offering of TCO (Total
and metalworking markets. The Cost of Ownership) accrues val-
new manufacturing plant will ue to its operations.
augment its supplies to custom- Informing more on this Tridib
ers in India, Middle East and says, “An analogy of TCO is
East African regions. Throwing the initial price of buying
more light on the manufacturing a car, running cost, repair
plant, Tridib says that the plant and maintenance cost and
net of the residual value at
the time of disposal. All of us
will agree that the TCO of differ-
ent cars can be different and does
not depend only on the initial
cost of the car — lower running,
Source: Quaker Chemical India Ltd | 35May-June 2021