Page 32 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 32


                             Source: Quick Laser, China

                             High-performance laser cutting machine from Quick Laser

                             FOR THAT PERFECT CUT

                             China-based Quick Laser Technology’s strategic cooperation with Beckhoff has
                             further boosted the success of its high-performance laser cutting machines.
                             The latter’s TwinCAT software as an open CNC system has had a major role in
                             the process.

                                                         S  uzhou Quick Laser Tech-     gy demonstration zone. As very     enables integration of custom-
                                                            nology Co, Ltd specializes  demanding applications, high-      er-specific developments with
                                                            in developing, manufac-     performance laser cutting ma-      minimal effort. Zhao Jian, Head,
                                                                                        chines benefit from this strong    Process Department, Quick Laser,
                             turing, and distributing laser cut-                        focus on technology.               explains, “Modular PLC programs
                                                                                                                           and an open CNC system enable
                             ting machines. In 2016, it joined                          TwinCAT CNC as an                  us to add and test new process
                                                                                        open system                        functions quickly and easily. This
                             hands with Beckhoff to further                             High-performance systems like      greatly aids our success in the
                                                                                        these – usually with a laser pow-  market for high-performance la-
                             boost success with high-perfor-                            er exceeding 8 kW – require        ser cutting machines.”
                                                                                        significantly more complicated     TcCOM provides the TwinCAT
                             mance laser cutting machines.                              machine processes than simpler     CNC with an open interface to
                                                                                        designs with lower energy re-      the numerical control system.
                             PC-based control offers the opti-                          quirements. These characteristics  This enables the optimum inte-
                                                                                        include slow start, progressive    gration of customer-specific pro-
                             mum foundation for reliably                                perforation and pre-lasering. In   cess expertise. As a consequence,
                                                                                        addition, new technological func-  standard control technology can
                             high machine throughput, par-                              tions often have to be implement-  be used while still allowing the
                                                                                        ed. According to Quick Laser, an   integration of highly specific
                             ticularly with TwinCAT soft-                               open control and CNC system        functions where required. The
                                                                                        is, therefore, important. This     TcCOM modules are a valuable
                             ware as an open CNC system.

                             The company has been a recipi-

                             ent of numerous awards includ-

                             ing National High-Tech Enter-

                             prise, Excellent Private Science

                             and Technology Enterprise in

                             Jiangsu Province, Excellent En-

Source: Beckhoff Automation  terprise in Jiangsu Province and
Pvt Ltd, India          Gazelle Enterprise in the South

                             Jiangsu Science and Technolo-

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