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toolset for this purpose and of- erful servo drive technology is is distorted when cutting sheet AX5000
fer integrated and easy-to-use essential to further improve ef- metal, there is a risk that the Servo Drives
intellectual property protection ficiency. This must cover a wide cutting head will collide with from Beck-
options for users. acceleration spectrum and, at projecting parts and sustain hoff use
the same time, must not restrict damage. To prevent this, the lift optimized
CNC functions and Servo the cutting functionality of the functionality of the Cutting Plus functions
Drives for fast cutting machine tool. AX5000 Servo package of TwinCAT CNC is such as the
High-performance laser cutting Drives from Beckhoff use opti- used and the cutting process is, velocity
machines are characterized by mized functions such as the ve- therefore, optimally controlled. observer
high processing speeds. Pow- locity observer and TwinCAT In addition to the C6640 control and Twin-
CNC acceleration pre-control. cabinet Industrial PC and the CAT CNC
This ensures that the conse- AX5000 Servo Drives, numer- acceleration
quential error for high-speed ous digital and analog EtherCAT pre-control.
cutting is only +/-5 μm. For I/Os are also in use. For exam- This ensures
complex cutting of short lines ple, the EL2502 2-channel pulse that the
such as Chinese characters, width output terminal controls consequen-
TwinCAT CNC offers a spline the laser light curtain. This Eth- tial error
curve function that serves to erCAT Terminal provides a basic for high-
optimize the path, improving frequency from 1 Hz to 125 kHz speed cut-
cutting performance. as well as a duty cycle from 0 to ting is only
When cutting an acute angle, 100 percent and supports most +/-5 μm.
excessive energy density of laser products on the market.
the laser beam can result in The EL6692 EtherCAT bridge ter-
unwanted burning. TwinCAT minal enables real-time data ex-
CNC prevents this via a corner change with lasers that support
and edge function that interpo- the ultra-fast EtherCAT com-
lates the space curve or enables munication system. The EL2262
an appropriate reduction of the digital output terminal with
laser energy. The M function eXtreme Fast Control (XFC)
offers additional advantages enables output times in the µs
for extended distance output. If range via oversampling and,
the workpiece falls or the edge therefore, flying cuts.
Source: Beckhoff Automation
Source: Beckhoff Automation
AX5000 Servo Drive from Beckhoff in the laser cutting machine control cabinet C6640 control cabinet Industrial PC for machine control | 33May-June 2021