Page 30 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
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al experts came forward in this      Source: Rashmi Urdhwareshe             buses and mini-buses) and other
              endeavor. I am very proud that a                                            public transport vehicles (such
Unless        significant penetration in terms     “With the focus on Renewable           as taxies and autorickshaws).
consumer      of the number of programs as         Energy and Non-conventional            The State EV policies would
require-      well as the breadth of knowledge     energy, it is expected that by         be able to address the local spe-
ments are     was achieved over the last few       2030, the major electricity pro-       cific situations, integrating with
adequately    months, despite Covid pandemic       duction would be green and that        existing infrastructure, invest-
addressed,    setback in business operations.      is when EV penetration would be        ing in new procurements (state
substantial   The second aspect was to sup-        really significant in achieving inte-  owned) and providing integrat-
shift in the  port in bringing in right technol-   grated environmental goals.”           ed transportation solution to
passenger     ogy to Indian auto companies.                                               the consumers.
car number    Through our partnership with         Rashmi Urdhwareshe                     When it comes to personal
would not     SAE-International and other          President                              e-mobility solutions for city/
come.         world-wide organizations like        Society of Automotive Engineers        urban use, some of the factors
              FISITA and IEEE, we hosted in-       India                                  that would govern the custom-
              ternational conferences and ex-      (SAE India)                            er choice are: home charging
              positions which were focused                                                options, possibilities of battery
              on green mobility. FISITA World      How are India’s existing               swapping centers, charging facil-
              conference, held in Chennai in       urban transportation policies          ity at workplaces and key urban
              the year 2018, put India on the      including the National Electric        locations, etc. On the other hand,
              global map of technological ad-      Mobility Mission Plan 2020             range per charge cycle and fast
              vancements. ITEC 2019 (Inter-        (NEMMP) for the faster                 charging facility on highways
              national Transportation Elec-        adoption of EVs, the Faster            would be the deciding factors
              trification Conference), held in     Adoption and Manufacturing             for long-range travels. It is a very
              Bengaluru, had a very apt theme      of Electric Vehicles in India          well-established matter that In-
              – ‘e-Mobility Solutions for Com-     (FAME) schemes I and II, and           dian consumer is very cost con-
              munity’. SIAT 2019 (Symposium        various state-specific policies        scious, first, when it comes to
              on International Automotive          for EVs facilitating the shift         the acquisition cost and then to
              Technology), hosted by ARAI          to sustainable and green               the running cost. The govern-
              in Pune, themed at ‘Empow-           transportation?                        ment policies have excluded
              ering Mobility the Safe and          The policies NEMMP and FAME            personal vehicles from fiscal in-
              Intelligent Way’ and brought in      I and II are aimed at creating de-     centives. To encourage 2-wheel-
              many green mobility solutions        mand on one side through vari-         ers and passenger cars sales,
              on the forefront.                    ous incentives and on the other        State Governments and local
              The third and more significant       side, supporting supply through        authorities should come up with
              contribution from SAE India was      providing technology access            non-fiscal incentives, which
              engineering student competitions     and local development. Creating        can prove to be of immense
              and their engagement in develop-     right infrastructure for fast and      significance in long-term trans-
              ing capabilities to design electric  slow charging, and standardiz-         portation planning.
              powertrains and controls. OEMs       ing the products, specifications,      From the OEM’s perspective,
              greatly supported these events       testing and approval standards,        the personal mobility sector
              and worked closely with SAE In-      etc. are also addressed through        should be focused for technolo-
              dia to become ‘future-ready’.        these policies. More effective         gy introduction whereas public
              One more strategic advantage         deployment of EVs would be             transportation sector should
              to SAE India is that we cover        achieved with deeper penetra-          be handled appropriately for
              all mobility sectors. Our close      tion of mass transportation (i.e.      the creation of critical mass
              collaboration with Aero,                                                    in developing local manufactur-
              Off-highway and Automotive                                                  ing bases.
              industry brought in collab-
              orative development across                                                  With Tesla’s foray into the
              these businesses, especially in
              powertrain, storage, materi-                                                Indian EV market, there is a
              als, manufacturing, and power
              electronics areas to achieve                                                growing buzz for EVs in the
              accelerated growth of EV devel-
              opment and localization.                                                    country despite the pandemic.

                                                                                          According to an independent

                                                                                          study done by Council for

                                                                                          Energy, Environment & Water

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