Page 29 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 29
nization to address sustainable Source: Rashmi Urdhwareshe lence and reap the advantage
transportation, green mobility, of scale. We can soon reach the
and road safety. “The Indian Machine Tool industry critical mass so that more invest- With the
is undoubtedly capable of handling ments could be justified. government
Please tell us about Society of the EV industry’s demand. It is On the demand side, Indian con- policies
getting ready is what can be seen sumer is very picky, cost-sen- and other
Automotive Engineers (SAE) through its expansion plans and sitive but also brand loyal. The favorable
investment patterns. Investments market development of EVs and factors, it is
India and its goals. How do you in tooling, assembly, skills, and ma- other green vehicles shows that a matter of
nufacturing capacities are current- consumer is interested in trying a few years
plan to align your experience ly being done.” out green vehicles, provided his before we
long-term interests are protect- can declare
and expertise with SAE India’s Rashmi Urdhwareshe ed (in terms of battery life, re- ourselves
President placement costs, running costs, as country
goals? Society of Automotive Engineers charging facilities, etc.) and he committed
SAE India is a professional body India (SAE India) gets the value for his money. to meet sus-
having headquarter at Chennai. Government policies are cur- tainability
We operate through four sec- which has taught me the lessons rently focused on incentivizing goals in
tions – North, West, South and of organizational leadership public transportation to give transporta-
Bengaluru – to address the needs through leading and volunteer- boost to the green technologies tion.
of mobility sectors in the re- ing positions within regional, and their development in India.
gions. The vision of SAE India is: state, national, and international With these favorable factors,
– To be the most preferred level events. Therefore, I intend it is a matter of a few years be-
to keep empowering women and fore we can declare ourselves
technical body for knowl- enable them to take up active as country which is committed
edge dissemination and skill and challenging roles within the to meet sustainability goals in
development of mobility SAE community as well as in transportation.
professionals, students, and their own employments.
faculty; Our Automotive industry is
– To be the trusted think-tank You are at a vantage point
advising policymakers on where you can gauge the exact based on the conventional
mobility-related matters; readiness of Indians for green
– To be a self-sustaining society mobility. Please comment. engines. For the large-
with mobility professionals Thanks to the early investment
as members. and commitment by the Indian scale adoption of EVs, the
Auto industry, we do have good
SAE, as a professional society, has access and capability of absorb- entire ecosystem has to be
a rich pool of resources spread in ing technology. Another big as-
small pockets across the coun- set is our strong, committed, and transformed. How is SAE India
try. My first goal is to bring them skilled human resource. To offer
together and consolidate their cost-effective green solutions to helping the industry to smoothly
expertise as part of the common the consumer, we need to now
platform. SAE can thus take the focus on manufacturing excel- transition this change?
lead in co-developing more of SAE India has a very wide base
the new standards, algorithms, of membership. The four strong
etc. along with its cohort in pillars of our membership in-
the areas of autonomous driving clude Students, Faculty Mem-
and e-mobility. bers, Professional Members, and
With my strength of handling Industry/Corporates. With the
challenges, I aim to take SAE to changing focus of powertrain
the new heights of professional development, SAE India was
thought leadership in the auto- quick in identifying the upskill-
motive domain. It is important ing requirements of each of these
to capture the changing ex- stakeholders. We meticulously
pectations of each of the SAE planned and executed Profi-
members including students, ciency Improvement Programs
professional members, facul- on top technology areas such as
ty, corporate members, etc. and Powertrain development, Bat-
have our action plan ready. tery Management, EV materials
I also aim at creating more wom- development and many more.
en SAE leaders. I am proud of my These programs were conduct-
SAE experience of over 25 years, ed in virtual as well as hybrid
mode. National and internation- | 29May-June 2021