Page 25 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 25
Source: Cartel Engineers Pvt Ltd Though the
• Remote machine operations; tomer service, reduced ma- Resistance exists are obvi-
• Automation of routine tasks; chine-making cost and im- Though the benefits are obvious, ous, it is an
provment in performance at the moment, it is an observation observation
at a more advanced level en- and time to ROI. that most prospective beneficia- that most
tities can also benefit from • For manufacturers: Utilizing ries of IoT in the industrial sector prospective
complete autonomous oper- machines that are IIoT-enabled still feel that IIoT infrastructure benefi-
ations with adaptive tuning or i4.0 compliant can effec- is a good-to-have system rather ciaries of
of set points. tively reduce maintenance, than a need-to-have system. In IoT in the
At a business level, these advan- operational and labor costs, general, the concept is appreci- industrial
tages translate into: even occupied real estate cost. ated, but some do not see it as an sector still
• For OEMs: Enhanced cus- urgent need. It could be possible feel that
that these challenges are due to: IIoT infra-
• Lack of awareness of the ben- structure is
a good-
efits of an IoT system; to-have
• Reluctance to invest on some- system
rather than
thing new that may not show a need-
immediate returns; to-have
• A perception that implement- system.
ing an IoT system could have
Source: yzThings Technologies Pvt Ltd incrementally increasing and
recurring costs.
For any reason, incremental im-
plementation such as the stages
described below could be a rea-
sonable guidance to enhance
digital maturity of existing MS-
MEs operations:
• Stage 1: Understand the ben-
efits and set up an appro-
priate IIoT infrastructure to | 25May-June 2021