Page 26 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 26

Source: Cartel Engineers Pvt Ltd

A more           digitize relevant data locally  •	 Stage 4: Identify and auto-         a few days to a few months
stable,          or remotely;                       mate routine tasks;                 based on the end application
reliable      •	 Stage 2: Pre-process the data                                          and environment. A more
IIoT infra-      and establish a data visual-    •	 Stage 5: Advanced analytics         stable, reliable IIoT infrastruc-
structure        ization, reporting and alert-      for abnormality detection on        ture leads to the gathering of
leads to the     ing system that is accessible      real-time or historical data for    good quality data which, in
gathering        securely from anywhere;            prediction and forecasting.         turn, facilitates quicker infor-
of good       •	 Stage 3: Remotely perform                                              mation extraction. Since the
quality          basic machinery or equip-       •	 Stage 6: Adaptive, autono-          process of setting up and gath-
data which,      ment operations or set oper-       mous control and operations         ering appropriate data is iter-
in turn,         ating points in process con-       of complete machines and            ative, it is better to start ear-
facilitates      trol equipment;                    production cycles.                  ly. The more it is delayed, the
quicker                                                                                 more time it takes to start see-
information                                      Note that the time taken for           ing benefits or staying compet-
extraction.                                      each stage could vary from             itive in an increasingly disrup-
                                                                                        tive environment.
                                                 Source: yzThings Technologies Pvt Ltd  With a supportive eco-system,
                                                                                        an educated and motivated
                                                                                        workforce and, more impor-
                                                                                        tantly, the fact that majority
                                                                                        of the beneficiaries reside in
                                                                                        this part of the world, it is only
                                                                                        natural that the next industrial
                                                                                        revolution will be led by India
                                                                                        and China.
                                                                                        As new technologies are being
                                                                                        made available, MSMEs should
                                                                                        come forward to adopt them and
                                                                                        stay competitive in the global
                                                                                        manufacturing landscape.	

                    The author thanks Cartel Engineers Pvt Ltd for facilitating the case study.

26 | May-June 2021                                                                      Modern Manufacturing India
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