Page 24 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 24
Inputs Now that the machine had al-
ready been fitted with an IIoT
Coil parameters Value Remarks System, the concerned OEM
ID (mm) 508 Engineer only had to login re-
motely and observe the ma-
Coil parameters OD (mm) 1600 chine’s data. It was a matter of
minutes to root cause the prob-
Thickness, T (mm) 1.5 lem to an incorrect usage of the
machine (inadequate filling of
Width, Wc (mm) 1000 pressure in the hydraulic sys-
tem’s power pack). Only with
Material Type C40, steel SD=7.85 the telephonic support, it was
possible to bring the machine
Raw Material Cost (`/Kg) `55 back up to full availability.
From the above discussion, it
Speed (mpm) 30 is evident that in comparison
to the investment made on IoT
Machine Power Consumption (Units/hr) 250 system for Remote Machine
Parameters Monitoring, the returns are sig-
Typical Loading Time, tl (mins) 20 nificantly high.
If we extrapolate and look
Typical Setting Up Time, ts (mins) 10 further, in the context of ma-
chinery driven industries, fol-
From the Operational Energy Rate per unit `6.50 lowing are some of the field
discussion, Parameters level leverages with deploying
it is evi- Typical Utilization (%) 75% IIoT infrastructure:
dent that • Optimal utilization and per-
in compar- td (mins) 1440 3 shifts
ison to the formance of machinery at all
investment Table 1 times;
made on • Remote diagnostic and cus-
IoT system Parameter Without IIoT With IIoT tomer support;
for Remote Time Around 15 mins • Remote configurations or
Machine More than Nearly nothing re-configurations of ma-
Monitoring, Cost 24 hours of chines to suit production re-
the returns Table 2 downtime quirements;
are signifi- • Advanced diagnostics for
cantly high. ~`4.5Lakhs quicker (real-time on the
(~US$6000) edge) or proactive mainte-
Source: Source:
24 | May-June 2021 Modern Manufacturing India