Page 22 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 22


                               REAPING BENEFITS OF
                         TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION

                       Advanced technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, and
                       additive manufacturing are proving to be a boon for the manufacturing industry,
                       bringing in benefits including reduction in the cost of production, downtime, and
                       errors, and improvement in the speed of operations. The case in point is a testimony
                       to how IIoT-enabled metal processing machines can prove themselves crucial with
                       their multitude of advantages.

                                                                                                             Source: Magic Wand Media

ARVIND REDDY MARAM     I ndustry 4.0, as many             First, we start with understand-     CTL machines play an important
Director                        would already know is     ing how much does it cost in case    role in multiple sectors including
yzThings Technologies           the current phase of an   such a machine goes down for         Aerospace, Automotive and Con-
Pvt Ltd                Industrial transformation (IX),    unplanned reasons. Then we           sumer Goods. In general, these
arvind.maram@          which interconnects – through      generalize the concept to un-        machines’ primary function is to           the use of the internet – people,  derstand the impact of machine       take a coiled flat metal roll, decoil
                       processes, and machines.           downtime in a real scenario.         the roll, level it and cut it to desired
                       Here an attempt is made to pres-   From the calculations deduced in     lengths. These operations are per-
                       ent a case wherein a metal pro-    the article, we arrive at an hourly  formed semi-automatically or au-
                       cessing machine such as a Cut to   downtime cost and then extrap-       tomatically. Most new machines
                       Length (CTL) machine fitted with   olate the same on a real-world       are automatic, with complex con-
                       Industrial IoT devices helped re-  case to arrive at the total cost of  trol electronics for precision mo-
                       duce downtime of that machine.     downtime in that scenario.           tion and hydraulic control.

22 | May-June 2021                                                                             Modern Manufacturing India
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