Page 18 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 18



                      Industry experts share their views on the on-going second wave of Coronavirus’
                      impact on India’s growth momentum and economic recovery, and how much
                      of a deterrent are the lockdowns and curbs on the manufacturing activities to
                      the ease of doing business…

                      Source: Addverb Technologies                          now and we are seeing positiv-       supply chain of businesses need
                                                                            ity rate falling below 5 percent,    to have the capability to absorb
                      Satish Shukla                                         the lockdowns must be lifted in      these shocks and still deliver the
                      Co-founder & Director                                 a phase-wise manner to ensure        service levels. This will act as a
                      HR & Marketing                                        the number of infections do not      major trigger for demand of Ro-
                      Addverb Technologies                                  rise again. We might see some        botics and Automation. We saw
                                                                            casualties in businesses which       a demand spurt last year due to
                      Bigger demand spurt for                               have stressed balance sheets. But    this, hence expect a bigger de-
                      Automation                                            we see a very strong revival from    mand spurt for Automation post
                      We have witnessed a phase-wise                        Q-2 in the economy. With a good      the second wave.
                      and more calibrated lockdown                          chunk of population in the West
                      in the second wave compared to                        being vaccinated, their econo-       Lives important than
                      the sudden lockdown in the first                      my is opening which will fuel        livelihoods
                      wave. More than the lockdown,                         the export-oriented sectors and      It has turned out that lockdowns
                      the economy will be hit by the                        the pent-up demand will drive        are essential to curb the chain
                      spread of the virus as people have                    up consumption in the domestic       of infection beyond a certain
                      been affected as Covid has spread                     sector. The Government has also      limit. There is no alternative,
                      to rural parts of the country as                      shown the intent to drive up in-     and we must accept the impact
                      well. As the cases are receding                       frastructure spending in the last    that these lockdowns have on
                                                                            budget and should continue the       business and the way we run
                                                                            same path as the road to recov-      business. Also, manufacturing
                                                                            ery has again been fractured         must be seen in the perspective
                                                                            due to the second wave. Also,        of a full business cycle. In this
                                                                            after the first wave, there was a    lockdown, many states did take
                                                                            thought process that the worst is    measures to ensure that utilities
                                                                            behind us, but the rate at which     and other critical sectors oper-
                                                                            the second wave struck, it is clear  ate without any hindrance.
                                                                            now that the manufacturing and

POONAM PEDNEKAR       Source: AGI Glaspac                                   country, there was a huge disrup-    recovery phase of the Indian
Chief Copy Editor                                                           tion in every sector. Industries     economy. The sector, which was
Magic Wand Media Inc                       Rrajesh Khosla                   were not able to settle with their   impacted by labor shortage and
poonam.pednekar@                           President & CEO                  regular work. Phase 1 of Covid-19    lockdowns in the first wave, is                          AGI Glaspac                      has dented the economy. While        now better equipped through
                                                                            most industries were on the path     several Government policies in-
                                           Regaining growth                 to recovery, the second wave of      troduced for economic recovery.
                                           momentum                         the pandemic has derailed their      Companies are adopting alterna-
                                           When the lockdown was im-        momentum. However, it is also        tive sources of supply and ensur-
                                           posed for the first time in the  important to note that most Indi-    ing that the labor force continues
                                                                            an companies are going into this     to operate safely.
                                                                            second wave with improved op-        The container glass manufac-
                                                                            erating conditions and resources     turing industry is transforming
                                                                            compared to last year. These com-    during the pandemic, with new
                                                                            panies had already adapted to the    demographic conditions and
                                                                            changes and digitalized most of      new customer demands.
                                                                            the business operations.             The Indian economy is gain-
                                                                            India’s Manufacturing sector         ing back its growth momentum
                                                                            is playing a crucial role in the     now, and I believe that a quicker

18 | May-June 2021                                                                                               Modern Manufacturing India
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