Page 17 - MMI _ MayJune2021 (single-pages)
P. 17
Source: Seco Tools GmbH There is a
wide range
Recycled Carbide Seco Tools of areas
that can be
Taking care of the earth nent, but there are other aspects risk management, power gen- analyzed
There is an ever-growing to the circular economy, and we eration, and even molecular bi- with a view
awareness of environmental have to look at them all. One of ology and polymer chemistry. to stop-
concerns, and suppliers and those is the lifecycle of our prod- Cost-efficient and better-quality ping the
customers are keen to see ini- ucts – how can we design them collection and treatment sys- ‘leakage'
tiatives that address them. “This so that they last a little longer, tems and effective segmenta- of valuable
has proved very positive so far and that they can be recycled tion of end-of-life products will resources
with customers. They know when they do reach the end of enable Seco Tools to support the – deliv-
that the tools we produce using their useful lives? How can we economics of circular design. ery chain
recycled materials are of the produce them using renewable One of the main problems in logistics,
same very high standard, that energy and sustainable supply addressing issues to do with sorting,
there is no drop-off in quality. chains? The essence of the cir- the environment and climate warehous-
There is now also a market for cular economy is preserving the change has been the sheer ing, risk
the buy-back of tools that have value that we have already cre- scale of the task, but Forslund manage-
reached the end of their use- ated,” he adds. believes that the Seco Tools’ ment,
ful lives, and that is a positive goal of 90 percent circular by power
thing for them too. It’s about Daunting yet attainable 2030 is attainable. “It is essen- generation,
getting this into our business Recycling helps in terms of min- tial to work with our suppliers and even
relationships in a positive way,” imizing waste, but it is far from and customers in order to take molecular
Forslund explains. the only way to do so. There is on the global challenge. If we biology and
In a circular economy, recycling a wide range of areas that can do, we can create more value polymer
is very important, but it is also be analyzed with a view to with less waste within a safe chemistry.
the last thing we should do af- stopping the ‘leakage' of valu- operating space for our planet—
ter we reduce, repair and reuse. able resources – delivery chain again, it’s a win-win situation,”
“This is one important compo- logistics, sorting, warehousing, he concludes. | 17May-June 2021